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Entries in Al Sharpton (3)


Glenn Beck and Al Sharpton are twigs off the same branch!

The Celebratory atmosphere that followed the inauguration of President Barack Obama should now be closed . We the people, should have begun the process of making the change that so many chanted as a mantra. Change will not come by the stroke of the president’s pen, but by the very change in the will of the people. Unfortunately too may that chanted the mantra of change have now stopped chanting and have waited for a change to come to them.

In order, however, to bring about the desired change, for a better and brighter day, we the people must change. A basic universal truth says, the body follows the mind. And since the body follows the mind we should be mindful of what we allow to enter our minds. That being the truth we, must work towards renewing the mind to make a physical change in our condition.


We should examine what is being said and done around us. The rhetoric coming from the so called Black left is to resist the Tea Party rather than pressure the president to bring about the promised change (which was never defined). The rhetoric coming from the right and so called Black conservatives is to demoralize and dehumanize the president.

The actual movement of any one being or group has to begin with a thought and the thought has to be cultivated nurtured so that what we think will manifest into the physical, but we have to control those thoughts not merely absorb rhetoric from either side. To this end we should examine our minds, examine our physical existence, how we function with friends, family, associates and co-workers. This will be the beginning of change, real change.




Al Sharpton....Sabes que? You're off base just like the conservatives

Rev. Al Sharpton speaks at Jersey City churchOver the last week or so, while listening to the Al Sharpton show, and I mean just that, a SHOW, he has been very hot on this issue of the Arizona law that gives Arizona law enforcement the legal authority to "racially profile" their citizens and visitors.  Reverend Sharpton is planning to go to Arizona to walk the streets of Phoenix without I.D., to challenge the law signed in by Rep. governor Jan Brewer.  He states to his audience that what starts out in Arizona with the Latinos, could well strike Black people next.  What he says is 'suppose you', speaking to one of his callers, 'were in Arizona and a cop stops you, he (the cop) could say you look like a Haitian or Jamaican and lock you up if you couldn't produce documentation that you are an American citizen.  Well, Rev. Sharpton this makes sense and in fact exists in the realm of possibility.  However, why should you go to Arizona to protest against this law?  He also says, that if Arizona enacts this law then quite possibly South Carolina, Georgia, or Florida could be next.


This rationale, this way of thinking, suits one mindset.  The mindset of fear.  Rev. Sharpton is playing on the emotion of fear in much of his listening audience to conjure support for his selfish actions to protest this law.  Selfish, simply because it's bad law.  This law voted in by the Arizona legislature, is a Republican tactic to garner support from the Tea Party types, that could very well siphon votes from mainstream Republicans during the upcoming mid-term elections in November.  It also shakes the wheat from the chaff.  Those that are truly conservatives and those that are really nationalist-racists hiding behind the banner of conservativsm.   It also exposes Black conservatives that follow this line of thought, making them merely parrots that continue to muddy the political waters by regurgitating talking head drivel.


We should understand that this law, on it's face, appears to be an anti Latino law.  But, it's really and truly an anti Mexican/Salvadoran law, not anti Latino.  Arizonians are not concerned about people that look like Zoe Saldana, Lloyd Banks or Fox News panelist Juan Williams. So, really why is Sharpton going there to protest along side the Mexicans?  I have not heard him say or read anything that any Mexican or Salvadoran groups have requested his presence in Arizona.  Seems here he is inserting himself into this fray uninvited.  This is why it appears to be primarily a selfish act on his part.  And again this is bad law.  SB 1070 allows agents of the government to detain anyone that he or she "reasonably believes" is in the U.S. illegally.  This is a blatant expansion of government.  Conservatives claim to abhor a big and expanding government, supporting this bill exposes you as a fraud or exposes who you really are.Thousands of protesters rally against Arizona's new immigration law on Sunday.


Al Sharpton this law will not stand, it will not spread.  Jeb Bush has already said this bill could have "unintended consquences" and civil liberties issues.  Surely, this law will be challenged in court and will more than likely be struck down and go no where.  Truly, SB 1070 may not deliver legally, but has delivered in ripping the facade off many.  Off the nationalist-racists, off parroting Black conservatives, off selfish television activists, off the facade of Latino versus Mexican/Salvadoran, off the fact that Mexican civil rights groups don't desire Black civil rights group's assistance.


Warren Ballentine and Rev. Al Sharpton back on the air in Atlanta!

Warren Ballentine and Al Sharpton will be returning to the air waves here in the ATL.  WAOK 1380 AM, a CBS affiliate, have picked up the programs and will air them beginning Wednesday April 29.  At 10am will be Warren Ballentin and his Truthfighters and at 1pm comes Rev. Sharpton.

Much, much more could be said about this transition, however at this time I will just be content with the fact that a radio staion in the Atlanta area will run the shows.