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Entries in Tea Party (1)


Glenn Beck and Al Sharpton are twigs off the same branch!

The Celebratory atmosphere that followed the inauguration of President Barack Obama should now be closed . We the people, should have begun the process of making the change that so many chanted as a mantra. Change will not come by the stroke of the president’s pen, but by the very change in the will of the people. Unfortunately too may that chanted the mantra of change have now stopped chanting and have waited for a change to come to them.

In order, however, to bring about the desired change, for a better and brighter day, we the people must change. A basic universal truth says, the body follows the mind. And since the body follows the mind we should be mindful of what we allow to enter our minds. That being the truth we, must work towards renewing the mind to make a physical change in our condition.


We should examine what is being said and done around us. The rhetoric coming from the so called Black left is to resist the Tea Party rather than pressure the president to bring about the promised change (which was never defined). The rhetoric coming from the right and so called Black conservatives is to demoralize and dehumanize the president.

The actual movement of any one being or group has to begin with a thought and the thought has to be cultivated nurtured so that what we think will manifest into the physical, but we have to control those thoughts not merely absorb rhetoric from either side. To this end we should examine our minds, examine our physical existence, how we function with friends, family, associates and co-workers. This will be the beginning of change, real change.