The Population Hoax: Hispanics Are Now The Largest Minority

All too many of us cling onto statistics given to us by our enemy or at least they don't have the best interest of Black people at hand. When the 2010 Census was complete, actually prior to the census ever being taken we were bombarded with the talk of Black people being displaced as the largest minority in the United States. Minorty, thats how they speak of us and of course in turn we call ourselves a minority. It seems many of us cannot shake the old master loving slave mentality that responds to the master's sneeze with the quip "massa we's got a cold?" Such is the constant repetative song many Blacks sing based on the master's statistics concering our people. Seventy percent unwed mothers, seventy five percent of Black men in jail, prison or on probation or parole, fify five percent high school drop out rate... You get the picture. Unfortunately, we have few sources to possibly counteract any of these stats but we do have our minds and critical thinking. But, for the purposes of this post we will use their numbers.
First let's take a quick look at the word minority and think on it a bit. Minority-being or relating to the smaller in number of two parts. A group of people differing racially or politically from a larger group of which it is part. Now, with this in mind and using their numbers how does it make sense that the female population in the U.S. is 155 million and males is 151 million. And, yet females, white females, are considered a minority. Tricknowlegy. As of 2009 going into 2010 reports began to surface that Hispanics (their word not mine) are now the largest minority in the country with 48.4 million now residing in the U.S., displacing Blacks as the largest minority.
Knowing that the so called Hispanic or Latino population is comprised of Black people I wanted to know how this really played out. I fully understand that many of the Latin American countries, with Mexico being the greatest offender, sought to wipe out Black people from their histories, by way of a process of mentally training the population to think of themselves primarily as citizens of their country then Black secondarily. And of course the whole caste/colour prejudice as well, just look at the Dominican Republic for instance.
Now, the U.S. Census Bureau is stating that Hispanics (their word not mines) comprise 15.8 percent of the U.S. population and Blacks in America are now 12.4 percent, down from 14.8. The lowered amount is due in part to many people that used to call themselves Black due to the one drop rule have moved over into filling out the census form as white, and the number is also affected by many Blacks accepting their indigenous roots and filling out the form as Native American or Indigenous. This does not necessarily mean there are really less Black people in the U.S. So, here's the trick. 15.8 percent of the U.S. population is Hispanic (their word not mine) and 12.4 percent Black. Of the 15.8 percent Latino, 3.8 claim Black or Afro Latino, this lessens the so called Hispanics to 12.0 percent, right? This in turn increases the Black population to 16.2 percent, right? Tell me how the Hispanic (their word not mine) is now the largest minority (their word not mine)? So, why would we agree to their statistic?