We just don't seem to learn. I'm specifically referring to the behavior of Spike Lee, Katt Williams and Dick Gregory. I do respect Mr. Gregory as a bonafide freedom figher and nothing less unlike Ski Davis of Zuri Speaks Dynasty Network referred to Mr. Gregory as a coon. However I balk at the verbal fencing conducted between he and Mr. Lee in publc. This deminishes any intellectual conversation to just to media hype. In the case of Katt Williams, I will just say he needs to concern more with removing the beam from his own eye before he speaks on the speck in the eye of someone else. At any rate, Django Unchained has sparked quite a bit of conversation in all forms of media. No matter the issue, in this coming era we have to be cognizant of the images being displayed of us and who is displaying those images.
Django Unchained has proven to be a boon for the aboriginal melanated people of the Americas. Finally, the black hero does not die and in fact not only has a love interest, but in this case he has a wife. I am aware Quentin Tarantino is given the credit for the film. However, I do remember how the Wachowski brothers were given the credit for the Matrix films and in the end Sistar Sophia Stewart won in court proving she is the mother of the Matrix story and not the Wachowskis. I could be wrong, but we may see that another aboriginal is being usurped by the "Pinks" this time, but in the name of Quentin Tarantino. Still, at this time Tarantino will get the credit for covertly telling us that Django is the incarnation of Shango. The film appears to be a choclate version of Brynhildr, who in Norse (north) mythology is a valkyrie, the female Diety that decides which men live and die on the battlefield.. We who know, understand that Norse (north) mythology is only the pink European's reinterpretation of abriginal myth. Or a Europeanization of aboriginal wisdom.
Django is joined with his pink brother King Schultz. A schultz is one that is a collector of dues and taxes for the lord of the manor. In this case King Schultz is a collector of corpses for the sherrif or marshall of territories. In short a bounty hunter. King Schultz says "I sell corpeses..." in this movie the sheriff would be the "lord of the manor." The word sherrif comes from one who is the representative of the king. The Schultz buys his brother from slavers and immediately manumits him into freedom. In a way, Django is given a new life and in fact can carry out his mission to find and recover his wife. Surely, for those that profess to know and love our people, but never do the research to realize people sold into slavery could and did marry. Django was on a mission to get his wife back. Django like Siegfried in the Brynhildr poem, had to overcome great odds to rescue his wife from the mountain of shields. In this case Candyland.
Make no mistake Django evolves and is revealed as Shango by the end of the movie. After receiving his freedom, Django immediatly dresses in blue and white. Yemaya, the mother of us all, the Spirit of the sea, her color in the Americas is blue and white. Django indicates his new birth by saluting Yemaya in his becoming. At this stage he is not carrying weapons as such, only what appears to be a tiny two shot Derrenger which he uses to kill a slaver, one of the Brittle brothers on sight. After utterly destroying the Brittle brothers he moves into his next evolution.
Django changes after being given life, he justly takes lives and transforms to his next evolution. That of Ogun, the Spirit of iron. Shango is a Spirit that wields the double headed axe. Not all males can ascertain the strength to arch over to the feminine to have the crown of ultimate power bestowed upon them, however Shango is the male Spirit that has arched over and displays his connection to the feminine by outwardly weilding the double axe. The Labrys (Labia) is a symbol of worshipping the Divine Mother. Django changes clothes to the colors green and black, that of Ogun (Ogou) and sports six shooters on both hips, double weapons symbolizing the double headed axe, on his side. At this juncture he begins to come into the fullness of a bounty hunter and kills to sell bodies to the sherrif. Remember it is Brynhildr (Broomhilda his wife) that determines who will live and die on this battlefield.

Finally after several trials and tribulations and gaining proper status as a Freedman, Django and his Schultz reach the Mountain of Shields or Candyland in this case, in Chicasaw Couny, Mississippi. Chicasaw means one who is a rebel, one from Chicsa. Repeatedly we hear the pinks in the movie say to Django "I ain't neva seent a ni**er like you b'foe." They have never seen Ogun from Chicsa, the rebellious one before. Utiliazing the misdirection of Legba, Ogun or Django plays his role to the hilt, even unto the death of a slave of Monsieur Candy's that is torn to bits by dogs. Again, the mission is to save Broomhilda (Brynhildr a Spirit which decides who lives and who dies on the battlefield not Django as many of you think.) In the proper context we can now see that it was not truly Django's call to allow the slave to be pulled apart by dogs, but Broomhilda's.
Finally, Siegfried (Django) reaches the summit of the mount - Candyland, loses his brother King Schultz as he has completed his destiny and begins the process of saving his wife. Django must make the final evolution into Shango. After surmounting great odds, even at the risk of being sold back into slavery Django, this time, frees himself and returns to Candyland to rescue his reason for living, his queen of heaven, Broomhilda. He then has to become his destiny, and become Shango. He again changes his wardrobe into a black jacket, burgundy (red) vest and a white shirt. Wielding his double axe or two six shooters thus begins the final solution for Candyland by killing the mistress of the manor Mosieur Candy's (lover) sister and tormenting Stephen the house ni**er (played by Samuel L. Jackson who does a masterful job.) He then collects his wisdom (the valkyrie)Osun and fitting for Shango the Spirit of thunder and lighting, blows Candyland to bits with HN Stephen still alive inside the manor when the explosion occurs.
Shango and Osun, fittingly ride not off into the sunset, but ride into the moonlight.