Someone killed Sherry West's thirteen month old child. Arrested is De'Marquise Elkins as he walked to his sister's house to have breakfast. Right now I am going to hold my typing fingers before I let loose on the subject and our state as a "black" collective. Just who are we as a "black" collective? What should our stance be on such a case if De'Marquise is the shooter.
Jamaica embarks on JDX II or Jamaican Debt Exchange number two. This comes in order that the country will insure another IMF loan which by some, including Dr. Andre Haughton, lecturer in the department of economics at the Mona Campus Of UWI, is badly needed. Dr. Haughton believes this will spur local growth in building the infrastructure including the highway structure and expanding Jamaican wharfs. He also notes wages in the public sector will freeze.
Here's the rub. Public sector wages will freeze, I am sure this includes police, governmental maintenance workers and the like. These are the wage earners, the hourly workers that actually drive any economy by spending into the economy. But, the next blow is that there will likely be inflation. In other words prices will go up. Wage freeze, price of things going up is a mixed pot of sorrow stew for the poor and working poor. Strange how all this IMF entanglement comes as oil drilling began on the island last summer.
Jamaica, Jamaica in my Brigadier Jerry voice.
The NYPD is continuing their blood lust against it's heavily melanated citizens. I guess I will not say much more here than I have already said. Maybe I will revisit this one when I revisit the Brunswick murder.
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