"Like most poor people in the United States, I have no voice. The Black press and the progressive media, as well as Black civil rights organizations, have historically played an essential role in the struggle for social justice. We should continue and expand that tradition. We should create media outlets that help to educate our people and our children, and not annihilate their minds. I am only one woman. I own no TV stations or radio stations or newspapers. But I believe that people need to be educated as to what is going on and to understand the connection between the news media and the instruments of repression in America. All I have are my voice, my spirit and the will to tell the truth" - Assata Shakur
Back in the year 2007 is noted on my previous radio program The Ensayn Asylum "...whoa to the black planet if Senator Obama is elected president..." Of course in November 2008 he was elected president and in January 2009 he began is move to do to black people what whites could not. Barack Obama who's father is from Kenya and Eric Holder a son of the Caribbean have moved further into Africa under the guise of AfriComm than any white presidential cabinet could ever encroach.
Again, in 2013, I say whoa to those of heavy melanin! The beast is destroying and to further destroy in order to institute Novus Ordo Seclurum set forth by those they are beholden to. With that being brought forth I want to repost a a video link of Assata Shakur produced in 1997 and released upon Ms. Shakur's 60th Earth light in 2008. In April 2008 I posted this video Eyes of the Rainbow, I would like to re-present the video documenary in light of the demonic labeling of terrorist by Obama and Holder.
For the record Assata Shakur IS NOT A TERRORIST! The New Jersey State Police ARE TERRORISTS! Agent Aaron Ford of the New Jersey FBI office said he was PROUD to stand with the Terrorist New Jersey State Police to announce the adding of Ms. Shakur to the terrorist list. This may give the U.S. legal, not lawful, but legal standing to go into Cuba and kidnap her and bring her back to this prison industrial complex, if not kill Assata Shakur.

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