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Do You Know This Pain?


Each year since December 6th, 2006, I like to remember my nephew Marcelles, who was gunned down for no reason other than two Black men wanted to kill another Black man.  I know our family never thought we would live through such a tragedy.  The murder of my nephew has opened my heart to sympathize with many other families around the globe that loses a family member in these circumstances.  Circumstances of senseless killings.  Each year since my nephew's demise there have been thousands if not hundreds of thousands more that have died senselessly, and thousands that go to prison for the murder.

Since the death of Marcelles and his best friend Brandon, our family feels the loss whenever there is person missing or killed.  When I read about a missing person such as Laneeka Varnado or the death of Frantz Jean- Pierre, killed while working to support his family there is a certain deep seated feeling I get as if I knew them personally.  All of these type tragedies touch me and my family in a way like it never did before.  Now, the trial for the killers of my nephew has begun, so wounds that were in the beginning stages of healing are reopened with the testimony of the witnesses to the murder.  So, as a family we must relive the event like we never have before because there are now crime scene photos to accompany the witness testimony. 

My prayers go out to Laneeka Varnado's family, to the family of Frantz Jean-Pierre, Jdimytai Damour and all those families that have loved ones missing or killed senselessly.  I know your pain personally.  I know exactly the pain that your families are living with and I know what they will live for years to come.

Reader Comments (11)

I am so sorry about your nephew and his friend. I pray justice be served.
December 9, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermiriam
While no one KNOWS exactly how another feels, I can and do empathize with you and the pain you feel. I, too, have had relatives (2 uncles and a younger 1st cousin that I babysat) murdered. These tragedies have also made sensitive to the pain of others.

My prayers to you and your family.
December 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterhagar's daughter
Hi Miriam, Thank you and as always thanks for stopping by.

HG, I am sorry for your loss and yet we may not feel what others feel, certainly there is a commonaluty in the type of pain people have when one has lost someone to senseles murder. Thank you for coming by HG!
December 11, 2008 | Registered Commenter[Victor Amenta]

I am so sorry for your loss and that of the other young man's family. All of you are in my prayers.

Peace, blessings and solidarity.
December 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKhadija
Khadija, Thank you very much. We are healing.. We are a family of mostly all boys and our neighborhood did change and become rough. My brother and his wife moved to different area however many did not and when my nephew and his friend were going to a family member's house this is what happened. Its unfortunate but all to often its happening to too many families.
December 12, 2008 | Registered Commenter[Victor Amenta]

My heart goes out to you and your family.
December 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRavynn
Nuff respect Rayvnn and thank you.
December 12, 2008 | Registered Commenter[Victor Amenta]
Misery to ministry. . . .isn't it something how life does that against our wishes??? Empathy is a powerful human quality and only wise people possess it!
December 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlisha
So true Alisha. Thanks for coming by.
December 13, 2008 | Registered Commenter[Victor Amenta]
When you realize how death creeps in the day or night, ready to do his job............. you realize his presence lingers and your toughts are with him and the one that has gone. When I firsst heard of my brother's death I was in denial............. because he was such a god person and didn't deserve the type of death he was givin, but then I noticed tha he died a hero's death........... he died fighting for what he believed in......... and isn't that worth dying for if not anthing else ? I am Grace , Frantz's sister and I trulu can sympathize with you all........ and would like to thank you for your kind words.
December 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDivine Grace
Devine Gracie, thank you so much for coming by my blog. I felt it so important to put your brother's name out into the world. My family prays for your family. I wrote of the trial as you will have to deal with new pain once it begins and the testimony begins about your brother.
December 27, 2008 | Registered Commenter[Victor Amenta]

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