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Laneeka Varnado, found.


Laneeka Varnado has been found in Atlanta, GA.  Missing since Nov 24th of this year, Ms. Varnado was found in her car after having run off the road and into a tree killing herself in the accident.  I know this is overwhelming for her family, yet I know it does provide closure on a certain level.

Reader Comments (3)

I am so sorry to hear this but thankful that at least her family can start to seek closure.
December 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBlackgirlinmaine

Thanks for providing the updated information. Laneeka's sister attended the same high school as I, although a full decade later. As Roneagle alums we assist each other whenever and however we can.

Thanks again.
December 8, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterhagar's daughter
Blackgirlinmaine, thanks for coming by. I fully understand these tragedies personally.

HG, I am sorry as I know this is a loss for you as well.
December 8, 2008 | Registered Commenter[Victor Amenta]

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