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Timothy F Geithner Treasury Secretary, So Much For Change

New York Federal Reserve Bank President Timothy F. Geithner.

As we dive headlong into a depression, president elect Obama has selected Timothy F. Geithner to be the Secretary of the Treasury.  The economy of the U.S. is sinking like the Titanic and guess who's hands are holding the helm along with Hank Paulson, yep Mr. Geithner.  That's right, Geithner has been coaching Paulson along the way and was instrumental in saving AIG, Behr Stearn and letting Lehman Brothers flop.  We all know change is inevitable, but I'm wondering what it really means to president elect Obama.  I suppose it's what he said, that change comes from him first and foremost.  Change is hard to come by with Washington insiders like Geithner, in fact Geither is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, joined the International Monetary Fund and served as President of the Federal Reserve board of New York.  All this smells like the same ole gravy with a little curry added, but its still more of the same.  

Candidate Obama spoke of adding transparency to the workings of government, yet with his selection of Timothy Geithner, President elect Obama selects a man that says “Most consequential choices involve shades of gray, and some fog is often useful in getting things done.”  Change.  But, I'm sure the Obama apologist will hit back by still singing the "give the brotha a chance" song.  Fine, but giving a brotha a chance should not mean laying down all good sense just to give a brotha a chance.  Mr. Geithner may prove to be a good selection but, we have to look at his background and his recent handling of the bailouts and just where that will lead us in the coming months.

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