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Hubris Incarnate

When I first saw this my immediate thought was Dubya is pretty good, he ducked the first shoe like a smooth boxer and he just smooth watched the second shoe fly over his head. I was like, check out ole George move. But, on my second or third time watching the video it happened upon my mind that this man is not afraid. I thought for a man so disliked by the world, has the lowest approval rating in U.S. presidential politics, sees a flying projectile coming his way and he merely ducks. Hubris!

President George W. Bush displayed in his action the literal definition of hubris. Hubris is defined as the overbearing pride, self confidence or arrogance. Behind the insult that many took from this display of that reporter's discontent, behind the agility of Dubya, behind any comedy one can ascertain from this, is the vulgar display of U.S. hubris. This is the very same arrogance that has created an air of dislike for the United States around the world. Despite garbage, that the U.S. is hated for it's way of life, that conservatives like Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, Jesse Lee Peterson, Bush and the neocons spew, the fact is, it's the hubris with which the U.S. government, the International Monetary fund and the World Bank has conducted business with developing nations.

As we stand on the verge of the historic inauguration of president elect Obama, we are also faced with the possibility of changing the image of the United States as an over aggressive bully, sending military force onto other lands to force a regime change suitable to the U.S. government's pallet. To a more caring nation sending more medical aide or aide to help rebuild the infrastructure of nations like Haiti or Zimbabwe. Let us pray incoming president Obama will be the change he spoke of. I am not holding my breath.

Reader Comments (6)

Neither am I.

If I don't get anything else out of Confessions of an Economic Hitman, I get that things cannot and absolutely will not change. The system has to be dismantled first. And the people in power will do their wickedest to make sure the status quo remains.
December 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChi-Chi
Hey Chi-Chi, You are correct, however I doubt we see that in our life time.
December 19, 2008 | Registered Commenter[Victor Amenta]
Hi Ensayn,

While the world does seem to be merging into a one-ness (what with the greeding monopolizing things, Euros, possible Amero, etc) I think its truly God's plan eventually. Meaning, we can either come together peacefully and care for the world through an act of kindness towards ourselves and eventually towards the world at large, or via the veins of harsh judgement, get pushed into a togetherness with pain and suffering and finally an outcry for salvation.

So, Obama, in my opinion, is not the one who needs to effect change. Its from the people. Those of this country and of other countries. But I don't know how that will ever come about.
December 20, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermiriam
Thanks for coming by Miriam, You are speaking the right and correct medicine. I wish people would turn aside evil for the positive way with one another, this in and of itself would effect the all.
December 20, 2008 | Registered Commenter[Victor Amenta]
Just a wonderful post bra...just wonderful... oh and thanks for recommending my books..
December 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKamau Atem
Kamau, always love when you stop by. You are welcome on the book, I'm shortly going to start doing some book reviews and yours will certainly be one I recommend
December 21, 2008 | Unregistered Commenter[Victor Amenta]

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