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Entries by [Victor Amenta] (290)


How to overcome H1N1 or Swine Flu; Man made weapon or not!


Yes, no weapon that form against I & I shall prosper, not when I'm in control...Luciano, the Messenjah


It’s difficult for me to believewhen people say “I don’t believe in conspiracy theories.” This says to me that these people don’t believe that groups, agencies, the government or big business could come together and create a plan for the purposes of meeting an end. I, for one, cannot believe they don’t come together tocreate plans within plans for meeting an end. Does the Watergate scandal not ring of a conspiracy? defines conspiracy as 1. the act of conspring 2. an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious, formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot, a combination of persons for a secret , unlawful, or evil purpose: He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government 4. Law. an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud or other wrongful act 5. any concurrence in action, combination in bringing about a given result.

The first four definitions are probably what gives those that don’t believe in conspiracies the feeling, the negative feeling that draws them away from believing in such. Deep down, they cannot accept that their government could do such things, or that the government would allow a business or agency to do such evils. However, I am inclined towards the last definition, which is the most accurate definition; any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result. This brings me to an article written in Natural News on March 3rd, I found at Keep It Trill blog, dated March 5th, 2009.

"Deerfield, Illinois-based pharmaceutical company Baxter International Inc. has just been caught shipping live avian flu viruses mixed with vaccine material to medical distributors in 18 countries. The "mistake" was discovered by the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada...

How could this company have accidentally mixed LIVE avian flu viruses (both H5N1 and H3N2, the human form) in this vaccine material? The shocking answer is that this couldn't have been an accident. Why? Because Baxter International adheres to something called BSL3 a set of laboratory safety protocols that prevent the cross-contamination of materials..."

On April 25th, 2009 NBC Nightly News reported that this “new” flu is ‘…a combination of Bird Flu, H5N1, Swine Flu, H1N1, and human strains H3N2. Immediately I sat up from my chillaxed position because I could not believe what I was hearing. Of course the news is no longer running this information.  But, they keep calling this “new” flu a swine flu when in fact not one hog is infected with the virus.  So, its obvious, I believe this “new” flu is part of a conspiracy, yet I don’t have the why’s as to the purpose of unleashing this flu. There are several theories flying about, but I’ll not delve into that at this point as the truth will probably be revealed or unfold in the coming weeks or months. At, this point we need to control our emotions and fight back the fear that could overtake our ability to reason and protect ourselves.

We need to look into protecting ourselves, our families, and loved ones.  Khadija of Muslim Bushido is advising of the correct masks to purchase and where you can purchase them for proper protection. Do not go and spend a lot of money for anti bacteria potions, as the Swine Flu or H1N1 is a virus and not  a bacteria and would be of non effect against a virus. What we must do, primarily is to strengthen our immune systems to be able to fight off any and every intruder that invades our bodies, and Swine Flu (H1N1) is no match for our body’s defense system.  We can increase our Immunity by making a few changes, and I know for some this could be difficult but, surely not more difficult than dealing with an emergency room and chemical, Medisin. First thing is to make sure you are consuming at least 64 ounces of water each day.  Remember this is the minimum requirement suggested by medical experts. Preferably we should drink half our body weight in water. For example, if you weigh 100 pounds you should drink 50 ounces of water.

We should then give our bodies a break from all artificial sugars, white flours and animal fats and go on a three day raw food detox, consuming only raw fruits and vegetables and making your own juice. In this process I will be increasing Vitamin C intake to 2500 milligrams per day, taking a vitamin B complex and selenium. Selenium isn’t a vitamin, but a mineral ,and of course making sure I get in daily exercise, rest and meditation which is a must. By eating raw fruit and veggies,, drinking the proper amount of water and taking our vitamins and minerals, our immune systems will be fortified against any foreign invader to our bodies, and will destroy H1N1. The power of our minds and our God given temples (our bodies), have the power to overcome any man made weapon.


Be sure to consult your physcian before making any drastic changes to your diet and taking vitamins and minerals.



Warren Ballentine and Rev. Al Sharpton back on the air in Atlanta!

Warren Ballentine and Al Sharpton will be returning to the air waves here in the ATL.  WAOK 1380 AM, a CBS affiliate, have picked up the programs and will air them beginning Wednesday April 29.  At 10am will be Warren Ballentin and his Truthfighters and at 1pm comes Rev. Sharpton.

Much, much more could be said about this transition, however at this time I will just be content with the fact that a radio staion in the Atlanta area will run the shows.   


Banks finding a way to work around TARP restrictions


Its a wonder the country is suffering, or maybe We the People are only suffering or maybe, fact is, only big business is suffering from their business dealings that bring them unworldly profits and in turn cause all others to suffer.  Banking institutions continue to do underhanded back room deals.  The Wall Street Journal reports that big banks are finding a way to hire foreign graduates of U.S. universities to work in their overseas offices.  The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) has placed restrictions on H-1B visas issued to foriegn graduates for work in the United States.

To circumvent the restrictions, Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan Chase, all recipients of billions of dollars in Tarp funds, are continuing to recruit and hire foreign graduates to work in overseas offices in such locations as Hong Kong, London and Sao Paulo skirting around the immigration restrictions set by the TARP program.  As long as the foreign students are not working on U.S. soil, the banks can continue to employ them.

The Bureau of Labor and Statistics is reporting an unemployment rate of 8.5% for the month of March, although we can assume its closer to 13%, since the BLS only reports new jobless claims for each month and not those that have long since been out of work.  How then can the banking industry justify hiring foriegn graduates, when there are enough qualified U.S. citizens to fill those positions?  The banks explain it this way" is in the nation's interest for them to hire highly skilled foreigners who are educated in the United States rather than have non-U.S. companies benefit from American training'"

This all sounds good and encouraging, but doesn't make good sense when TARP funds, billions of them, were taken in the spirit of stimulating the U.S. economy.  The banksters explanation is specious at best and deceitful at worse.  The world is looking to the U.S. to grow it's economy and there are thousands of U.S. citizens, with diverse enough cultures and nationalities to function well in the overseas offices of banks.

There seems to be quite a bit of deception surrounding the recession/depression, and monies being spent in the name of economic stimulation that U.S. citizens will be liable for.  The banksters are still on a mission to make unprecedented amounts of money all the while looking for loopholes they can exploit to continue to make massive amounts of money for their own wealth at the expense of We the People.



Book Review: The Jungle by Upton Sinclair

The Jungle : The Uncensored Original Edition


This year is going to be a year of reading for me. Last year I mostly read blogs peppered with a couple books, but nothing to write home about as far as books are concerned. I'm resolved within myself to make sure I read a minimum of 10 books. I’m sure I’ll surpass that goal, but none the less it’s a goal to be attained. I was a bit late in starting my reading, yet I did finish my first book for 2009.  The Jungle by Upton Sinclair.

The Jungle was written in 1904, and by 1906 because of the book, Upton Sinclair had and opportunity to meet with President Theodore Roosevelt, which later lead to a change in laws to the meat packing industry. Some of the wording and poetic license taken by authors of the time would cause us, in this era, to want to toss the book into the fireplace with the quickness and be done with it riight then. Yet if you hang in there, you will see the story unfolds into a world that blurs the lines between 1904 and 2009.

The story begins with the protagonist Jurgis Rudkus and his family making their voyage from their homeland of Lithuania to the good ole U.S. of A. to seek their fortune in the new world and lavish in the freedom of America. Jurgis and the family quickly find out that freedom has many nuances including all the scams that come along with “freedom” after landing in Chicago.

Jurgis and his fellow compatriots go through tribulations not unlike Black people of the time, yet without the threat of lynchings, at one of the most severe times for African Americans. But, be sure Jurgis could go and “hobo it” across the nation without repercussion because his skin was white. Jurgis and his family start work in the slaughter and packing houses used to butcher and can cattle and hogs in the Packingtown, commonly called the “Yards”, a district of Chicago.

Many of the ills plaguing the packing and slaughter industry that exist today are not new, but have been part of the meat packing system since 1904.

“One day a man slipped and hurt is leg; and that afternoon, when the last of the cattle had been disposed of, and the men were leaving, Jurgis was ordered to remain and do some special work ehich this injured man had usually done. It was late, almost dark, and the government inspectors had all gone, and there were only a dozen or two of men on the floor. That day they had killed 4,000 cattle and this cattle had come in on freight trains from far states, and some of them had got hurt. There were some with broken legs, and some with gored sides; there were some that had died from what cause no one could say; and they were all to be disposed of, here in darkness and silence. “Downers,” the men called them; and the packing house had a special elevator upon which they were raised to the killing beds, where the gang proceeded to handle them, with an air of businesslike nonchalance which said plainer than any words that it was a matter of everyday routine. It took a couple hours to get them out of the way, and in the end Jurgis saw them go into the chilling rooms with the rest of the meat, being carefully scattered here and there so that they could not be identified…” wrote Sinclair in in 1904.  Jurgis’ story of using downers is no different than stories that can be found today. Remember in January of 2008 the Westland/Hallmark Meat Co., of Chino, CA beef recall.

Not withstanding Sinclair’s obvious Socialist slant, the book is a great insight into how working class/merchant class continue to be locked in a daily struggle for better working conditions and living wages. The struggle for living wages continues.






A Few Good Children? Dekalb Marine Corps Institute.

In a previous post, I espoused the idea that many of the young Black men that find themselves coming into contact with the justice system should be forced into a military service OF THEIR CHOICE as an alternative to being housed in the belly of the prison industrial complex. In my perspective, there is the possibility that they would have the opportunity to learn self discipline, learn a trade or skill of some sort, or just be a warrior if they so choose. But, most of all, travel and gain a world perspective about life and who they are. Of course since the country is at war this raised the ire of many, and the fact that the U.S. government has not been very responsive concerning theissues ofBlack people. Yet, with my feeling about the military as a solution for at risk Black men and women, I am in no way for a subliminal military indoctrination of our childlren

Dekalb County Georgia has done just this. Dekalb County represents the third largest school district in Georgia and also represents one of the largest Black populations in the state. Beginning in August 2009, Dekalb County Schools will open the Dekalb Marine Corp Institute headed by a Marine Corp Commandant who will handle all things not related to the scholastic instruction of the students. A principal will handle the academics involving the children and certified teachers will impart the curriculum in all classroom instruction and the students will function under a military, no, more specifically, a Marine Corp regimen.

So, why do I say subliminal military indoctrination? We are talking about The U.S. Marine Corps, Dept. of the Navy, Dept. of Defense. The Marine Corps will share the cost of running and maintaining the school however, they will also share in the cost of paying the teachers. This is the issue. When the federal government comes in and directly pays the salaries of the teachers there is no doubt in my mind that there will be a subliminal message underpinned in the lessons covertly coercing the tender minds of the students attending The Marine Corps Institute to join the Marine Corps or themilitary in general.

I am sure many students will excel in this magnet school, where they may have failed in another school setting. I am sure many that were heading down the wrong path and could likely end up locked in the penal system or as an unwed father or mother will likely straighten their ways. But, do we want the government covertly leading our children into the military? Is this form of school institution what we want for the impressionable minds of thirteen year old children? I am not so sure this is the correct thing to do. Yes, I’m an advocate of military service for at risk young adults that are going astray and could possibly be saved from a life in prison, but not this.