How to overcome H1N1 or Swine Flu; Man made weapon or not!

Yes, no weapon that form against I & I shall prosper, not when I'm in control...Luciano, the Messenjah
It’s difficult for me to believewhen people say “I don’t believe in conspiracy theories.” This says to me that these people don’t believe that groups, agencies, the government or big business could come together and create a plan for the purposes of meeting an end. I, for one, cannot believe they don’t come together tocreate plans within plans for meeting an end. Does the Watergate scandal not ring of a conspiracy? defines conspiracy as 1. the act of conspring 2. an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious, formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot, a combination of persons for a secret , unlawful, or evil purpose: He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government 4. Law. an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud or other wrongful act 5. any concurrence in action, combination in bringing about a given result.
The first four definitions are probably what gives those that don’t believe in conspiracies the feeling, the negative feeling that draws them away from believing in such. Deep down, they cannot accept that their government could do such things, or that the government would allow a business or agency to do such evils. However, I am inclined towards the last definition, which is the most accurate definition; any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result. This brings me to an article written in Natural News on March 3rd, I found at Keep It Trill blog, dated March 5th, 2009.
"Deerfield, Illinois-based pharmaceutical company Baxter International Inc. has just been caught shipping live avian flu viruses mixed with vaccine material to medical distributors in 18 countries. The "mistake" was discovered by the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada...
How could this company have accidentally mixed LIVE avian flu viruses (both H5N1 and H3N2, the human form) in this vaccine material? The shocking answer is that this couldn't have been an accident. Why? Because Baxter International adheres to something called BSL3 a set of laboratory safety protocols that prevent the cross-contamination of materials..."
On April 25th, 2009 NBC Nightly News reported that this “new” flu is ‘…a combination of Bird Flu, H5N1, Swine Flu, H1N1, and human strains H3N2. Immediately I sat up from my chillaxed position because I could not believe what I was hearing. Of course the news is no longer running this information. But, they keep calling this “new” flu a swine flu when in fact not one hog is infected with the virus. So, its obvious, I believe this “new” flu is part of a conspiracy, yet I don’t have the why’s as to the purpose of unleashing this flu. There are several theories flying about, but I’ll not delve into that at this point as the truth will probably be revealed or unfold in the coming weeks or months. At, this point we need to control our emotions and fight back the fear that could overtake our ability to reason and protect ourselves.
We need to look into protecting ourselves, our families, and loved ones. Khadija of Muslim Bushido is advising of the correct masks to purchase and where you can purchase them for proper protection. Do not go and spend a lot of money for anti bacteria potions, as the Swine Flu or H1N1 is a virus and not a bacteria and would be of non effect against a virus. What we must do, primarily is to strengthen our immune systems to be able to fight off any and every intruder that invades our bodies, and Swine Flu (H1N1) is no match for our body’s defense system. We can increase our Immunity by making a few changes, and I know for some this could be difficult but, surely not more difficult than dealing with an emergency room and chemical, Medisin. First thing is to make sure you are consuming at least 64 ounces of water each day. Remember this is the minimum requirement suggested by medical experts. Preferably we should drink half our body weight in water. For example, if you weigh 100 pounds you should drink 50 ounces of water.
We should then give our bodies a break from all artificial sugars, white flours and animal fats and go on a three day raw food detox, consuming only raw fruits and vegetables and making your own juice. In this process I will be increasing Vitamin C intake to 2500 milligrams per day, taking a vitamin B complex and selenium. Selenium isn’t a vitamin, but a mineral ,and of course making sure I get in daily exercise, rest and meditation which is a must. By eating raw fruit and veggies,, drinking the proper amount of water and taking our vitamins and minerals, our immune systems will be fortified against any foreign invader to our bodies, and will destroy H1N1. The power of our minds and our God given temples (our bodies), have the power to overcome any man made weapon.
Be sure to consult your physcian before making any drastic changes to your diet and taking vitamins and minerals.

Reader Comments (7)
"The power of our minds and our God given temples (our bodies), have the power to overcome any man made weapon." So true.
Also wanted to say that Brazil nuts are one of the best sources for selenium.
If there is a group of people or agencies controlling world events, I’m willing to bet most, if not all, are bankers. Money, and only money, makes the world go around. Everything else is just there to keep our focus away from that fact. We are “sheeple”, and what one us does the others are sure to want to try, or better yet – we’ll just wait for the groups mentioned above to shepherd us to our fate. BAAH
I need to visit here more often. You are doing some enlightening and interesting work over here. Keep it up!
Much luv and respect!