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Entries by [Victor Amenta] (290)


My Contribution to Society

Vernon S. Amenta

 It's always a pleasure to bring forth my accomplishment.  No, its not a degree, its not something that I have accomplished on the work plantation, but its in spite of the plantation.  This accomplishment is about bringing forth good seed.  We all have faults, but I present these young men as a contribution to society and as a positive influence on our society.  I have been given the great fortune by the Most High of being an influence in the lives of these men.  The most high gave me a charge and I took hold of this charge as an opportunity.  The opportunity to produce good fruit.  I cannot tell you about their faults, as most humans have faults, but I would leave that for them to  tell.  What I will tell, is how proud I am of these men, these human beings that I had a hand in nurturing.  Vernon has proved to  be true man and human being.  In less than three years this former Tuskeegee student has become a Journeyman plumber in Southern California and has worked on several huge commercial construction projects and is currently working on a huge federal government contract.  Vernon is a dedicated protector of his woman and child and should be applauded for the stress he has endured and overcome to be a true man.


Christopher D. Amenta

Christopher had to deal with a lot of things growing up and I used to worry about him and his mindset.  But, Chris proved to be a very powerful man.  Since Chris was not in the house with me I had to work extra hard to maintain contact, ride miles and even move from my Souther California home to be closer to him.  I could not allow myself to be 3000 miles away when I could be by his side in a matter of minutes.  Chris first attended Virginia Commonwealth University on a track scholarship and quickly learned that most of the scholarships were reserved for people of Africa or Europe and not for people of the U.S. and the Caribbean.  I remember clearly when he had to be out of college for a semester he said "dad I just want to finish college, no matter what it takes"  I was blown away by his statement.  He said he had to have it and sought ways to attain his degree and graduated from Old Dominion University.   He like Vernon had heart and desire to accomplish what they wanted no matter the odds.  Vernon slept in his car when he became homeless in San Diego, CA. rather than return to Atlanta.  Christopher joined the Coast Guard to fulfill has desire to get his degree and is now and officer in the U.S. Coast Guard, married and protects and provides for his wife and household. 

Christopher and Vernon I salute you for becoming men in this society of slackness and debauchery, you are an example for any young man that desires the positives in life.  Each of you had every statistical reason to go the way of the weak and commit crimes and violence, but you didn't.  You became men in a sea of males and "dawgs."  I salute you for being an example of what is needed in the world and this society today.

Peace my sons, Peace!







"Me Is A Strong Progressive Black Man"...Shabba Ranks




Fear Of Terrorist in the U.S. is A Hoax!


"Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance"  Vladimir Lenin


All week the mainstream media has been leading the "educated" down the path of discussion about the implementation of the "Backscatter" xray machine, and TSA rules allowing their agents to physically touch people.  People are so scared that terrorists may strike again with a bomb in their undies.  Similar to the incident of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab who was allowed to get on a plane in another country with a supposed "bomb" in his underwear.

All this speaks to the fear or lack there of in the United States.  There is really no real fear of a terrorist attack happening in the U.S.  I am convinced there isn't.  Last week in Dekalb County, Ga, which is part of  the Atlanta Metro Area, a woman found a sticky substance in a mailbox while attempting to mail a letter.  April Thomas said "We noticed it wouldn’t go down into the box,” she told Channel 2 Action News reporter Richard Elliot. “So I reached in there, and I felt that there was glue along the lining of the box.”  Her response to the incident is so casual.  People really in fear of terrorism don't put their hands into a container when something doesn't work as it should.  "I reached in there and felt there was glue along the lining of the box."  People afraid of an terrorist attack, step back and look, then react by calling the police.  Scared people don't take such chances.  A public afraid of a terrorist attack don't casually discuss the incident.  They express the fact that they may have not taken the situation seriously enough, that in this day and time they should have called the police. That's what a scared public does. 

The average U.S. citizen is not truly afraid of a terrorist attack.  The average U.S. citizen is afraid of not sounding like a concerned American.  And, they learn what to say to sound like a concerned American from the mainstream media.   We talked about this scanner, as they are calling it this week, back in June of 2008.  Backscatter is what it really is.  An x-ray machine. The MSM is focusing on pat downs to keep the public from asking questions about x-rays and radiation.  No matter what they call it today, the flying public will be subjected to more radiation. 

Ok, call me Ensayn if you want, but I wonder how far the next one will go?  In 1989 King Bush I, launched an attack on the country of Panama.   Shortly after, approximately three years later a documentary was released entitled The Panama Deception.  My cousin and younger brother both saw the cable special and told me the U.S. military was using a "ray gun" on the people, it was documented in the film.  I didn't see the documentary at that time but, always kept it in mind.  I finally ordered a copy of the program in 2007 and in fact the people did report the use of a "ray gun" during the program. 

This fall, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department will begin using a "ray gun" in the county jail system to quell fights or riots.  The U.S. military used it in Afghanistan, but removed it from combat (they say) because it was working against pacification (my word).  The "ray gun" is said to produce excruciating pain and will quickly stop any violence by inmates.



Haitian Cholera Is A Lie

Cholera spreads via unsanitary water. A man in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, collects water from a river strewn with waste.This past Sunday 60 minutes ran a piece on the cholera outbreak on the island of Haiti.  Not once did the program note that the strain of cholera that's killing the Haitian people is not native to the Western Hemisphere.  So, lets set the record straight.  According to the World Health Organization the strain of cholera found in Haiti is the Vibrio cholera 01 Ogawa strain, and is not "native' to the western hemisphere.  In fact the strain can be traced to South Asia, more specifically Nepal.  Nepalese soldiers are "peace keeping" on the island, but on the contrary fighting with the Haitian people.

Shortly after the outbreak, local news agencies were reporting the people on the island were attacking U.N. peacekeepers and not letting them through with much needed supplies to combat the disease.  The U.S. kept up it's attack by saying the people were stopping the soldiers from coming into the area of St. Marc, because the soldiers were giving the people cholera.  It was reported as if it were a conspiracy theory and we should ignore the dumb natives.  Sure enough, the people were right!




Fast Feed Restaurants Are Killing You

Obesity is a problem in the U.S, no doubt.  Papers have been written in medical journals on behavioral habits contributing to the detrimental affects on one's health.  I wonder how many medical papers examine the influence of food itself on one's behavioral habits.