Haitian Cholera Is A Lie
This past Sunday 60 minutes ran a piece on the cholera outbreak on the island of Haiti. Not once did the program note that the strain of cholera that's killing the Haitian people is not native to the Western Hemisphere. So, lets set the record straight. According to the World Health Organization the strain of cholera found in Haiti is the Vibrio cholera 01 Ogawa strain, and is not "native' to the western hemisphere. In fact the strain can be traced to South Asia, more specifically Nepal. Nepalese soldiers are "peace keeping" on the island, but on the contrary fighting with the Haitian people.
Shortly after the outbreak, local news agencies were reporting the people on the island were attacking U.N. peacekeepers and not letting them through with much needed supplies to combat the disease. The U.S. kept up it's attack by saying the people were stopping the soldiers from coming into the area of St. Marc, because the soldiers were giving the people cholera. It was reported as if it were a conspiracy theory and we should ignore the dumb natives. Sure enough, the people were right!