My Contribution to Society

Vernon S. Amenta
It's always a pleasure to bring forth my accomplishment. No, its not a degree, its not something that I have accomplished on the work plantation, but its in spite of the plantation. This accomplishment is about bringing forth good seed. We all have faults, but I present these young men as a contribution to society and as a positive influence on our society. I have been given the great fortune by the Most High of being an influence in the lives of these men. The most high gave me a charge and I took hold of this charge as an opportunity. The opportunity to produce good fruit. I cannot tell you about their faults, as most humans have faults, but I would leave that for them to tell. What I will tell, is how proud I am of these men, these human beings that I had a hand in nurturing. Vernon has proved to be true man and human being. In less than three years this former Tuskeegee student has become a Journeyman plumber in Southern California and has worked on several huge commercial construction projects and is currently working on a huge federal government contract. Vernon is a dedicated protector of his woman and child and should be applauded for the stress he has endured and overcome to be a true man.
Christopher D. Amenta
Christopher had to deal with a lot of things growing up and I used to worry about him and his mindset. But, Chris proved to be a very powerful man. Since Chris was not in the house with me I had to work extra hard to maintain contact, ride miles and even move from my Souther California home to be closer to him. I could not allow myself to be 3000 miles away when I could be by his side in a matter of minutes. Chris first attended Virginia Commonwealth University on a track scholarship and quickly learned that most of the scholarships were reserved for people of Africa or Europe and not for people of the U.S. and the Caribbean. I remember clearly when he had to be out of college for a semester he said "dad I just want to finish college, no matter what it takes" I was blown away by his statement. He said he had to have it and sought ways to attain his degree and graduated from Old Dominion University. He like Vernon had heart and desire to accomplish what they wanted no matter the odds. Vernon slept in his car when he became homeless in San Diego, CA. rather than return to Atlanta. Christopher joined the Coast Guard to fulfill has desire to get his degree and is now and officer in the U.S. Coast Guard, married and protects and provides for his wife and household.
Christopher and Vernon I salute you for becoming men in this society of slackness and debauchery, you are an example for any young man that desires the positives in life. Each of you had every statistical reason to go the way of the weak and commit crimes and violence, but you didn't. You became men in a sea of males and "dawgs." I salute you for being an example of what is needed in the world and this society today.
Peace my sons, Peace!