It May Not Be Your Fault That You're Stupid!

If you want to have a lot of commenters and visits to your blog site, write about race. Write about the injustices wroth on African Americans by the U.S. Just-us system. Writing on racial issues or racial related issues without realizing these are just symptoms of a corrupt system, but, not understanding that these are not the cause nor the root of this corruption then you may be contributing to the circus atmosphere that has been given to you to think about and consume your life with. While those "powers that be" work to bring about your demise right in front of you with your eyes wide shut.
As the Roman Empire began to collapse in on itself the government felt the necessity to flood Rome with more and more entertainment. Gladiatorial and circus events increased to anesthetize the population into paralysis, hoping to stave off internal rebellion. Much of the Roman Empire's collapse hinged on it's economic decline. The decline began once the government turned over the creation of money into the hands of counterfeiters which were by and large government agencies themselves. The counterfeiters began minting coins using less and less precious metals in the coins they minted, all the while attempting maintain the same value, actually resulting in the opposite, inflation and hyper inflation. This was the beginning of the end.
So too for the U.S. Federal Reserve Note, once hailed as the almighty dollar. The U.S. Federal Reserve Note (produced by the counterfeiters) is struggling to maintain it's status as we see the world beginning to reject the Federal Reserve Note when buying and selling certain commodities around the world. China and Russia have agreed to the buying and selling of oil from the Russian oil fields using their own currency. This has had a negative effect on the U.S. population in general by inflating the dollar, but at the same time corporations are turning the greatest profits of ever. Wall Street is winning Charlie Sheen! And, the main fund raiser for Wall Street is president Barack Obama. As the economy dies and the government collapses in on itself, we are being inundated with a flood of mind numbing circus activity. The NFL is more glitzy than ever. The X Factor, full of glitz and glam along with staged comedic performances is paralyzing the citizens and Hollywood is bombarding TV with their fall line up and previews. And, yet Hope is kept alive.
Pandora had a jar of evils that she inadvertently unleashed onto the world, one of which is death. Zeus, admonished her to keep Hope locked in the jar. Hope was the last evil to be released onto the world. Apparently, Hope would become a more devastating evil on humankind than death and was to remain inside the jar. Hope ushers people into paralysis which may be worse than death. Hope mis leads the mind into believing one can become instantly wealthy by winning a prize on today's circus of reality shows or making it into some level of professional sports ie; becoming gladiators. This Hope has lulled the U.S. population into mind numbing despair. And yet, the main cheerleader of Hope, the evil, is president Barack Obama. President Obama; fund raiser for Wall Street and head cheerleader for Hope, the last evil.
As the U.S. falls further into the hands of the globalists under the watch of "Barry", the population gets high on the Hope of becoming rich. The population's collective mind is so altered that Republican presidential front runner Mitt Romney can say "...I don't try and distinguish who is rich and who is not, I just want all American to be rich..." And, the nation receives such inane drivel as something profound because it's presented by corporate news (circus) as such, rather than the stupidity that it really is. What Romney said is obviously a lie the wealthy MUST distinguish who is of them and who is not and Mitt Romney is VERY wealthy. Romney or anyone else that ascends into the office of the presidency or should Obama return they will continue the fundraising for Wall Street and cheerleader for Hope.
Americans have allowed themselves to be spoon fed what they should think and even how they should think about what they think. None of the corporate owned news stations have run a story on the Occupy Wall Street protest that has been on going for about two weeks. The protest has been joined by Roseanne Barr, Lupe Fiasco, Immortal Technique, and Eminem as of last Friday. Yes, you know about the X Factor, the Falcons, Eagles, Yankees and All My Children coming off the air, but nothing do you know about Occupy Wall Street. Or even why there would be such a protest. Historically, African Americans have not involved themselves in such protest believing that this is not their fight when in fact Wall Street is one of the root causes of racial strife. Wall Street being the progenitor of so much destruction world wide in the guise of the IMF and World Bank.
Just as when the Roman Empire was descending into ruin, they drugged the population with blood, guts and laughter. So too has the American Empire flooded your brain with blood, guts and laughter. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King said "If you want to say I was a drum major, say I was a drum major for justice; say I was a drum major for peace; I was a drum major for righteousness. And all other shallow things will not matter..." Beware of the cheerleader for Hope.