Thoughts From an Evolutionary Perspective.

2012 portents to be a year of changes. Changes to our economy, and subsequently changes to our way of life. We shouldn’t be surprised at how the cost of living will rise because the U.S. dollar is becoming worth-less. It’s value is slowly plummeting. We see it now and most certainly feel it’s effects. Some are predicting the actual death of the U.S. dollar. Not that its going away, but it’s death, it’s worthlessness. For many, race, and racism dominate their thinking. The oppression of people of color dominates their thinking on several fronts. From the victim mentality level to the level of those that would subscribe to out right revolt against the whole system. I am supposing the whole system would range from whites economically oppressing people of color, to Africom increasing it’s influence in Africa, to the “dominant culture” not providing fresh fruits and vegetables for stores in the hood. This on the outset appears to be correct, noble, and seemingly in the right direction but, may be misguided in this era. In fact the real war is right in their faces yet they cannot see.
Ephesians tells us “ For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” If this is accepted as a truth, then would we be correct in looking at something so obvious as what we can plainly see is imperialistic expansion, racism, sexism or obvious economic oppression? Should we not be looking for the most hidden, devious works by princes, governors and powerful people? We can see that what is obvious cannot be who is making war on us and what weapons they are using to war against us. If the verse in Ephesians is correct it would be foolish for us to take our fight to what is obvious. The weapon in the fight against us is not Africom. It is who and what Africom is sent to protect. This is what is in darkness, the who, the what. Our war is on the cellular level. And the loss of control of our health and bodies is what is being prosecuted against us. It’s a war for and on your mind. The imbalance of hormones and lack of proper intake of minerals and vitamins is the assualt being wroth on us. How this assault takes place is with what you put on your plate.
Subscribing to revolt against the system in the mind of the revolutionary is to fight the obvious, that which most of us plainly see. Fighting the scourges of racism and sexism, and economic prejudice are noble and should be addressed. But, should not be addressed as if racism and sexism were eradicated this would be the end of our problems. It would not. Our fight begins internally, in the heart, soul, mind, knowledge and wisdom. That which we fight right at this moment is an assault on our physical bodies by way of our mouths. Evolutionary thoughts in a Revolutionary World