Will Senna help mental constipation?

Blocked. Writers block I suppose would be the term associated with this mental constipation I have been suffering. No amount of fiber can cause a release of this awful stoppage plaguing me at this time. It seems that there is so much to write about, but no word come to fruition to accomplish a decent post. I’ve considered my back up to be due to the lack of televised news in my mental diet now, but not so, since I’ve dabbled a little in radio news. Maybe it’s the lack of real news that’s the culprit.
Maybe this mental constipation is due in part to the constant beating we take daily by the news on president Obama’s healthcare initiative’s journey through congress. No wonder the journey is so long, there are five different bills floating around with thousands of pages that no congress person or senator is really reading. They’re just sitting on the talking head’s shows and pontificating on things they’ve been told and not because they’ve actually read it for themselves. Has anyone really asked why president Obama is forcing the government backed healthcare bill, rather than seeking to put doctors back in charge of healthcare instead of insurance magnates? Is he letting us know he will not be creating jobs in the future? With good jobs, comes good healthcare. With doctors in charge, regulations on insurance companies, comes affordable healthcare.
What if the prognosis of my mental blockage is caused by this false since of change the president is putting on? For the first time ever a Supreme Court justice was not sworn in at the white house. Newly sworn in Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayer took the oath at the Supreme Court without the presence of the president, but with news cameras present for the first time. President Obama suggested the swearing in at the Supreme Court to symbolize the autonomy of the court. Yes, only a symbol. In this case the symbol is only a superficial show piece and not deep rooted change. So much for a change you can believe in. Aw shoot, let me be real, I’ve never believed the man anyway
Could it be that I’m just suffering from an internal fear of the swine flu? Oops, I mean H1N1, posted up in the back ground waiting for temperatures to drop so it can move in for the attack. At least that’s how the main stream news media is campaigning for the pharmaceutical companies. Watchout, its going to be worse than ever. All the major drug companies are racing for a vaccine, just in time for this fall. Its up to you if you want to take their poison, I certainly won’t be taking it. But, I may need something because my cerebral bowels could be suffering from oh so much verbal crapola being beamed into my psyche. I’ve work hard to avoid it but it just keeps seeping in.
Oh my aching head! Is there something I can take? Is there a flush for writers block caused by news Scrapple? Should I just wait it out and maybe something real will loosen up the mental bowels? Will Senna help mental constipation? Any suggestions?