Speaker of the House John Boehner
This past election made a very strong statement about the U.S. Simply, the U.S. voter is insane. A sign of insanity is to continue to do the same ole thangs, expecting different results. At least that's what they tell me. On Tuesday voters put the Republicans back in office. The Georgia state house, both chambers, are now all under Republican control. They took back their states, and their country. John Boehner said this vote was a repudiation of Washington. They are so used to playing the imaginations of the U.S. public that a man who's made a career in Washington since 1991, can stand and look you in the face (by TV camera) and say this is a repudiation of Washington as if he were not a part of Washington. He is Washington. Of course my Black mind heard what he was really saying. 'This is a repudiation of Obama.' The hubris of today's politicians is palpable. The ignorance of the U.S. voter is incomprehensible.
So, the mental battle of Democrat vs. Republican, Conservative vs. Liberal, Green Party vs. Libertarian and T.E.A. Party vs. everybody else is joined. They will battle on the television, radio, internet and all your print sources. The people will rally round their party (letting us know they are only interested in their part of the pie) and create a great resounding noise led by what ever over the air personality that fits into their way of thinking. All sponsored by General Electric, ViaCom, Ruppert Murdock or Gannett. I once saw Robert C. Maynard, former editor of the Oakland Tribune, state on a PBS program that it was his job to sell advertisement. Wow, the editor's job is to sell advertisement. Not to inform. Not to bring awareness, but to sell advertisement. This is one of the reasons the (not) Federal Reserve Bank is quietly being allowed to assert its power over the U.S. no matter who is in office. Yes, power over Obama, Boehner, Pelosi or whoever talks loudest in Washington. Ben Bernake is the man in charge. Those other heads taling are just the left hand of the snake charmer dazzling your mind while he slips his right hand around our collective throats.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernake
All the while everyone is focused on taking back their country or try to rebuff those from taking a seat in both houses and keeping their country, both Democrats and Republicans and all others in those houses, senate and congress (and White House) are consenting to a private banking corporation (the not Federal Reserve) to mess with your money. QEII is being sanctioned by the White House, congress, and senate to devalue the dollars in your pocket. Pumping likely 800 billion dollars (though they announce 660 billion) into the economy is going to cause higher inflation. Quantitative Easing II. Easing for whom? Inflation is surely going to shred your Federal Reserve notes to pieces. (De)Pressing most of us, no easing for the general U.S. population. Inflation plays out as the price of everything going up! Argue whether you are Democrat, Republican, Conservative, T.E.A. Party, Liberal, Socialist, or Communist if you will, just remember these words;
Mayer Amschel Rothchild said "Give me control over a naitons money, and I care not who makes the laws."
Min. Louis Farrakhan said "If this is to be a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Then the enlightenment of the people must be the corner stone of a truly democratic society. It is only when the masses of the people are enlightened and have enlightened self interests that vote in a democratic society has real meaning."