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Entries in JSOC (1)


Osama Bin Laden Killed A Week Ago?

For 12 days I took in no solid food of any type.  Including that I wrote nothing.  I guess I needed a little break from the keyboard.  Surely, I have enough in my mind just dying to come out, and it will.  However, the news broke in this evening at about 10:30 on the East coast screaming that Bin Laden has been killed.  President Obama's ramped up, but quiet pursuit of the terrorist madman has paid off if we believe the "news" agencies.  First report stated that Bin Laden had been killed when an unmanned aircraft (drones) fired missiles killing 25 men and Bin Laden was believed to have been one of the 25 killed.  Shortly after, the next report said JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command) troops went into Pakistan and raided a compound killing Osama Bin laden with one shot to the head.  Just in case you don't know, JSOC teams are a joint team of Navy Seals and Army Rangers.  Their specialty, is close combat within 50 to 100 yards. 

But, wait a minute!  Didn't Fox News report Bin Laden was dead way back when?  Like December, 2001? Or What about the French reporting Bin Laden was dead in 2006?

Or maybe Benazir Bhutto was just speaking out the side of her neck when she said Bin Laden had been murdered by Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh in November 2007.

Yeah, well, who's telling the truth?  Bhutto was killed in December 2007.  So, tonight candidate president Obama has shocked those who can be shocked with the news that JSOC has killed Bin Laden.  You decide!