Do You Believe in this political system?

Carey of the Carry Me Home blog posted a sentimental take on how Black people should be "careful" with our history as a guest writer on the Afrospear. Referring in the end to those that criticize president Obama's tenure in office. After a few comments, Carey finally lowered the typical derailing type boom of a response at the Freeslave and at the desenters of his opinion. "To those that believe they are “free men or free slaves”, I question what solutions they have for the problems in America, and why do they live here? I mean, if they do not believe in the political system in this country, where would they live that has a better system?"
Well sir, I will deal with only one of you questions that are most often asked by the conservative types, "... I mean, if they do not believe in the political system in this country..." My first thought was "is that all you got", but I said to myself I would go ahead and play along. Straight to the point, absolutely I believe in this political it's core that is. The giant corporatized stinking monster that it has become, no. This political system as it is today is not what was intended by those that wrote the constitution ( I cannot for the life of me bring myself to say founding fathers.)
The system as it was set up was not to be overrun with lobbyist at every turn of the corner offering and giving "gifts" for votes to go their way. Nor, was it designed that congress persons would accept expensive "gifts" in return for voting the way of the corporate lobbyists. Nope, it was not. The system was set up to be a representative government much like the indigenous American way of council, based on the Iroquois Confederacy's Great Law of Peace. Sechems, would go to council as a full fledge representative of the people, and ruled solely by the will of the people. In fact the custom of senators and congress person dropping their names today and becoming the Senator from Georgia or Congressman from California is directly related to the original council of indigenous Americans, truly representing the people. The system as it is today is not a representation of the people, nor is it a representation of the will of the people. This system has taken the people to be fools, yet the people allow themselves to be fools by often saying things such as "I don't want war but they (the government officials) know more than us". I say hogwash! They rarely if ever bring the truth to the people, they bring propaganda for the dumbed down minds that we as a population have become.