African Americans Need To Stop Coddling Pookie, Ray Ray And Africa!

MARTA cop Robert Waldo"
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." - Edmond Burke
A little more than two weeks ago in Atlanta a white police officer shot and killed a young black man. The shooting occurred after a fight broke out between a large group of young black youth and a smaller group of about five young men. Reports say the fight occurred in front of a MARTA (Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority) station near the Georgia Dome. MARTA police show up on the scene, and shortly thereafter a young man was brutally shot and killed. Joetavious Stafford was alleged to have been shot once in the chest and shot twice more in the back while he lay on the pavement gasping for air.
This, of course, sparked outrage in the community. Radio talk shows were ablaze with fiery rhetoric and the usual anger that rears it's head when another black youth is destroyed by the police and especially by a white cop. During one of the programs I frequently listen to, the show host asked “when will this ever stop?” “When will white racists stop killing black people?” The answer; this will stop when “good” cops stand in the office of their commanders, their chiefs, sheriff’s office, county commissioners and mayors and demand “bad” cops be removed from the force.
But, on top of this, the police killings will stop when black people stand and occupy the streets of the killers, drug dealers, rapists and child molesters. When the masses of good people living in these “war” zones call out the enabling parents, family members, boy friends, girl friends, husbands and wives of the these predators and have them removed and/or offered any assistance to change their lives for the better. This approach is relevant on the international level. We are seeing people in many nations protesting what they perceive to be the evil that is destroying their lives. This to, this calling out approach and massing out, should be the case with black Africa.
We are seeing conditions in the Congo, Kenya, Somalia, naming only a few, getting worse. We read stories of Tanzanians killing albinos to satisfy a prescription from a “witch doctor” should they want wealth and riches. Men with HIV/A.I.D.S. having sex with teen and pre teen girls in South Africa to “cure” them of the scourge of their ailment. Men in the Congo using thier penis' as weapons, using, rape as a weapon that not only is damaging women and girl’s spirits, but destroys them within their own societies and families. Raped women are regarded as “damaged” goods by their own family’s when the evil of rape is visited upon them, even as if they were some willing participant in a promiscuous act of deviant sex.
Certainly, and possibly, the greatest purveyors of the evils falling upon black Africa are the black Africans holding the offices as heads of state that are economically ravaging African countries. Nkwazi Mhango, contributor to the AfroSpear has been exposing the financial and fiscal corruption that takes place on the continent in the name of leadership. In his piece Africa’s Hidden Presidents? Mhango states “Presidency in corruption-rampant Africa is the means to opulence, not only for the holder of it but also his or her family, friends in other cases even the tribe.” Obviously, African leaders are highly motivated for self, wife and family and sometimes tribe. That’s it. No mentality of Africa for Africans. No thought of let me uplift my people and forge ahead for my people. So, why then should we, indigenous Americans (black people) and African Americans coddle Africans?
African Americans must now stop this incessant babying and coddling of Africa. The African has faced the same enemy as we have here in the west. The African has faced the white man (colonialism was just as devastating to the African as slavery was to the American), Africans have faced their internal enemy, other black Africans working for the European against other black Africans and now after so much destruction they too are ravaging each other.
We should discard the mindset that we in the west need to help Africa overcome her ills. The coddling of and protesting for Africa needs to stop. The intimation by indigenous Americans (African Americans) is almost condescending in their approach to aiding Africa. As if the African is a child unable to make conscious decisions. And, often making excuses for Africa much like the enabling mother’s vehement excuses for Pookie and Ray Ray after they have committed some heinous act against another black person. Or the specious sympathetic excuses fostered by heads such as Michael Eric Dyson, or Dr. Cornell West on behalf of Africa.
Africa must begin to stand up and resist the negative prescriptions of “witch doctors”, rebuff silly notions of sexing young virgin females to cure HIV/A.I.D.S. first. Africans must stand together and protest the rape of their women by their own men and the razing of their economies by their leaders, the African must be the vanguard. No more should the black people in the west be the spear head. Such as in the case of Joetavious Stafford and countless other young black people in the U.S. and Caribbean, until good people protest these self destructive machinations by our own, it will not stop and outsiders need not holla until the affected people holla louder.