As a youngster I always wondered about the prefix AB. Away from as we are taught, is the meaning of AB, found in ABsent, ABnormal... Ab-sent, away from sending, not here. ABnormal. Away from normal, not normal. I think you get the point I'm trying to make. But, when it came to the original people of Australia, whom are referred to as the ABorigines the "away" rule didn't seem to apply. The Aborigigines being the original people of that island contenent AB didn't seem to fit and never, made much sense to me. How in this case AB didn't mean away from original but, meant the original people of Australia. Not until I read Gerald Massey's Book of Beginnings II, did I come to understand AB meant first or primary in the Ancient Kemetan (Egyptian) language. For some strange reason, the English decided to use AB as a prefix but to mean first or priimary instead of AB meaning away from. Such a trick of language. Understanding now that AB means first or primary, I can now understand my place as a Black man of the Americas. As we approach the 50th aniversay of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther Kings speech at the March on Washington I want to repost video of Rev. Dr. Radine Amen Ra's interpretation of this most famous speech.
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