Confession Of A Cheater

A confession I must make. They say confession is good for the Soul, so I'll just dive into it. No more hiding, the world really may end tomorrow, I better put this out there and let the world know the truth about myself.
To just put it bluntly, I'm a cheater. There. I said it. I got it out. I am a cheater. I have cheated on every woman I have had an intimate relatonship with. Intimate. Not necesaarily a sexual relationship as intimate may imply, but close to them. I have spent a lot of time with her, she knows me. She knows me kinda like my mother knows me. I'm not sure how we met, but I have known her for a very long time. In fact I have known her longer than I've known any woman in my life with the exception of my mother. I've even wondered if I've known her before my mother. But, maybe not. Either way, I have brought her into every relationship I have had.
Maybe, it's wrong to have this relationship that I've always had but, never divulging how deeply I am involved.
There has always been this other. Is it necessary to know her name? Really? I don't see why that's important. If you must know her name is Marti... Wait, wait. You can't speak with her. So, why do you have to know her name? Alright, Marti...Marti. Ok, ok. MARTIAL ARTS!!! Internal Martial Arts to be exact. So now you know. Yes, martial arts is a love. It's a passion. It's a study. It's scholarship. It's meditation and prayer. It's breath.
I would like to introduce you to her through the words of Sifu Roberto Sharpe. I hope you won't mind.
Honors and Peace to my Sifu Tony Whiting.
Reader Comments (2)
I need to slow down, myself.
You're not cheating - ;)