Get Rich or die trying...A devil philosophy!

Watching the events unfold in Jamaica over these past few weeks, have been like seeing the words from the book Confessions of an Economic Hitman come to life When I posted Air Jamaica and the Jamaican Dollar, I was wondering why this was happening to the Land of Wood and Water. There must be a plan behind what was going on, but I, not being privy to the inner workings of government, could only speculate that there was a force pressing down on the island from outside. Sure, we can look back and see the escalation of what appears to be a destablization of the island since the very begining of the 1980's, but who and why, would not reveal itself for nearly 30 years. Thus, many could only deal with the issue at hand, the soaring crime rate, the devaluing of the Jamaican dollar and the apparent corruption of the government, government agents, government agencies, and greedy people exploiting hungry people. Rest asurred, hunger is not only an empty belly.
But, this is not about Jamaica, simply because Jamaica and her surrounding sister islands are only pawns on a much larger chess board. This is really about us. The events in Jamaica are symptons of a wider sickness that encircles the globe. Many blame it on the exportation of "American values", that ,what is happening there and in other places is the acceptance of the lower standards of American morals and mores. I don't believe this is truly the case. Many Black people have accepted a station in life that centers around making dollars, gettin' money. It's now acceptable to hear one say "I can't knock that man, because he's making money." Really? One cannot knock what another does simply because the other is making money? Getting money has become the panacea for the ills of a stunted people, for those that have little in their hearts and maintain less in their minds. The greed of those that hold the reigns of government are being reigned in by another set of greedy and controlling hands, and all too many of us fail to see, or look for those hands. We are not seeing the exportation of American morals. What we are seeing are the affects of the continuing saga of colonization. Europe has never stopped her need for natural resources, or actually the need for the manipulation of stock markets through natural resources, which includes the bodies of human beings (remember every job had a personnel office, now its HUMAN resources.) Thus, we are seeing the affect of mental and psycological colonization for the capturing of Nature's goods. But, we have allowed this to happen.
Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., in his 1963 speech in Washington D.C., said that he longed for a day when we would be judged by the content of our character and not by the colour of our skin. Not long after this speech, the content of the character of a person became less and less important. And the desire for great opulance became the order of the day. Within ten years of this speech, the U.S. dollar became the worlds currency. It maintained no value unless it was moving, nothing else. It was no longer backed by any precious metal. It became an inflated vehicle by which to OBTAIN THINGS, and our attention was changed to just that. The desire to obtain THINGS. Though it seemed, we were moving in a direction of "moving on up", alll the while we were being directed towards a lower state of mind. We gained jobs we never had before, we gained status on a scale, that we, in a wider sense, had not acheived prior to World War II. We began to seemingly, attain what the white world was holding. In just 20 short years, from the 1970's to the 1990's, the message all around us became get money. It was seen on the covers of magazines, television commercials and most notably it was being hypnotically chanted in music. The belief, that having money will cure your ills, has been achieved by a few, and passed on to the many only as a fantasy. It no longer matters how one gets the money, but that you got it.
No longer does the general population care about the content of ones character, but that if he or she has gotten a lot of money they should not be denied their accolades. This has been the story of old Europe that continues today. Destroy a people, move them if you have to, and get the resources to make money. This is not an American export, but a European imperialists' concept, and the U.S. has become the militariy wing of Europen namely Britain. We have played into this concept. Bought it, hook line and sinker Getting rich or the belief that one day one will get rich has become the opium of Black people. No longer is the content of one's character a valued "American export."
Christopher "Dudus" Coke is the Osama Bin Laden of the Western hemisphere. He may no longer exist as a living being (he may still be right there in Jamaica, although I doubt it), but his name is to be carried forward for the purpose of war. Jamaica, along with Haiti has long been coveted(since their independence?) and now the time is right for an new British expansion played out by her latest and greatest military power, the U.S. military. Minutes after the earthquake in Haiti, the U.S. Coast Guard was on station off the coast of Port-Au-Prince to secure the Haitian ports. Then came more talk about Haitian deep water ports in January of this year. By February, Jamaica solidifies its deal with the harlot, signing a 127 billion dollar deal with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and continues their quest to get into the oil business. Jamaica has been working on this since as early as 2004 and had stated their oil plans would come to fruition by the end of 2010.
The British march on, devouring and consuming at the cost of her minions. She has never cared about commoners whether they be those of us of a darker hue or even her own lower class whites and Irish people. And, yet our desire to get money and become rich supercedes our desire to develop good character. This is the only way the mantra of "I can't knock that man, because he's making money" can be allowed to survive and flourish. Until we learn and understand that the beast can be defeated by defeating the beast within everyone of us, we will continue to die and be jailed. The bible tells us that our people die for lack of knowledge. Unfortunately, the bible doesn't tell us what that knowledge is. But, our ancestors have told us repeatedly, that it is the knowledge of ourselves. Until we accept their teachings, many of us will continue to perish.
Reader Comments (2)
Our people have been bamboozled by hunger, the lack of respect and the class thing in Jamaica is big. All of this keeps too big of a seperation and the forces of evil can slide right in.