Friday, April 4, 2008 at 05:23PM
He has done it once again! Sen. Obama chose to go to Indiana rather than appear with a bunch of Black folk in Memphis, TN. Al Sharpton has organized Keeping the Dream Alive commemorating the 40th anniversary of the assisination of Rev. Dr. Martin L. King Jr. With all the star power present including John (Mr. Morton cause he's always salty-coined by The Field Negro) McCain and Hillary Clinton, there was no Barak Obama. How the hell can black people be so blinded by his overt playing to white, while at the same time snubbing us? The Obamaholics give all their excuses for him like, "he doesn't have to be there" , "he's not running for President of Black America!" All the while, you give him your all ,he gives you nothing. He won't even show his face on this most important day, for Dr. King whom he so often quotes. Shame on you Barak Obama!
Reader Comments (12)
i won't feel too bad. in great part because i know that i have done the unpopular, blasphemous (that's how black folks act:-) task of telling the truth. to no avail, only attacks and accusations of being a hater. i am in good company though and this fact gives me peace.
each day i strive to be like Christ. He did not get all to hear Him either. it is what it is...
thank you for the eyes of the rainbow suggestion. it blessed me when i needed it most. these words don't convey the extent of my appreciation. thank you.
thank you for caring enough to carry Dunbar Village updates as well. it does my heart and soul good:-)
blessings in abundance,
Obama is leaning on my last nerve. Okay enough with my ranting. Sorry I didn't have anything "intellectual" to add, but I'm really at my wit's end.
Shame on us, especially Obama supporters, if we don't call him on it. I'm sending his campaign an email demanding an explanation. This is really insane, Ensayn. Really WTF?
As I was leaving the office on Sunday morning (yes, social workers work all because child abusers work all night abusing kids), a coworker and I had an interesting discussion about the junior senator. I was able to calm down a little, but I'm posting about the junior sentor on 4/7.
I like you site and I'll be back.
I've never cared for him in the past, but Hypnobama sickens me at this point.
no need to apologize:-) this is one of the reasons for the name.
our people need to get united with focused purpose. i cannot agree more! blessings brother. i appreciate you more than these words convey. our differences are our strength. i truly believe that. together we have balance.
you have blessed me more than you know!
blessings in abundance,