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Why misguide the people Warren Ballentine?











Attorney & talk show host Warren Ballentine

I am surprised by the naivety of the voting public and the overall misguided beliefs held by them. The presidential elections of 2000, 2004 and this electoral season of 2008 have been one of the most telling seasons concerning the election process, more than any other time before. While tuning into the Warren Ballentine show I have been hearing some of th most backward thinking expressed in the words of the callers to Mr. Ballentine's show. Or is it a lack of logical thought? Ballentine is advocating a black out of the Black vote, should the super delegates vote to “select” Sen. Clinton as the Democrat nominee. He has not clearly articulated what this actually means other than pulling back from the Democrat party. John McCain

Sen. John McCain

That’s well and good.  however, there are people calling in on a variety of Black talk radio programs including his, saying “I hate Hillary, so I am thinking about voting for McCain.” This is exactly what I'm talking about when I say there is a lack of logical thought.  If you are following behind Sen. Obama because of his message of change, then, why in the world would you vote for McCain, that openly says in so many words that he’s going to continue the same policies of the Bush regime? What then is your definition of change? Is change just a change of the politics of Washington today as Sen. Obama says? Or is change merely a Black face in the oval office rather than a white one? I get the feeling it's really and truly, for many Black folk, voting in this primary season a matter of getting a Black face in the white house Not the change of how things are done In Washington. Barack Obama

Sen Barak Obama

 The fact that people say they “hate” a candidate is a sign of political immaturity. Politics is an absolutely dirty game and Sen. Obama knows this and does not hate, nor will he hate any of his political opponents, be it Hillary or McCain once all voting is done. Ballentine should be in the business of educating his listeners rather than heightening this dislike for Hillary Clinton, he should be educating the listeners to how the process works, he should be telling the truth about how politics works and that we should rise above hating and disliking a political candidate. I really believe that if both Barak and Hillary were white,  Black people wouldn't be saying they “hate” Sen. Clinton. concerning this black out,  Black people should have been voting as Independents for decades and not allied with any political party, but should act as  free sovereign human beings and truly vote for the most qualified person not “who’s most likable or electable”. John McCain is certainly not qualified. By his own admission, McCain said ... "The issue of economics is something that I've really never understood as well as I should…” Again, the voting public has nominated a man that doesn’t understand the biggest problem in the country today, THE ECONOMY!!! Why? What’s the problem? Why don’t people see this?

Finally, Barak Obama got the guts to say the nation is on the “brink” of recession. “The brink” WTH!!! Most people in the U.S. are in a recession, we are spending more for products and services, the cost of fuel is busting our budgets and we are making less money compared to the rise in prices but, we are on the “brink” of a recession. Warren Buffet on NBC this past Sunday, said the country is in a recession. But, those that “hate” Hillary so much will vote for an economic dingbat in John McCain, who’s true ability is warmongering and has no ability in economics. Illogical!!!

Reader Comments (25)

I agree. Journalism is a privelege. You should not teach hate because you want a certain candidate in office. Warren Ballentine when will you adhere to barack Obama and- "Change"
March 21, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterphillygirl1441
Welcome and thanks for passing through Phillygirl1441! I know I couldn't be the only person hearing his negativity! Its political immaturaty period point blank.
March 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEnsayn
Warren Ballentine is an excellent attorney and Talk show host. You are completely misguided and misguiding your readers. People should listen to him and judget for themselves. What is going on with the elections is unjust and unfair and whether obama was white or black the issue is not different. We need truth and justice that is what we need. We need to unite.
March 28, 2008 | Unregistered Commentersuzie
Welcome Suzie and thanks for stopping by. I listen to Warren Ballentine just about everyday. And if you listen you will hear Attorney Ballentine egging on this dislike for Hillary Clinton. In politics it is politically immature to put the emotions of liking or disliking a candidate into the equation. Black radio talk show hosts should be educating the Black electorate and not playing into like/dislike game. The electorate must be educated to the fact that they are liking or disliking only a shadow of the person running for office, a media marketing package. This is proper education not the kind of thing Ballentine is engaging his audience in.
As for me I cannot unite with an Obama train. Any person that says "real change starts at the GRASSROOTS" yet is focusing energy, money and time into going to the "tree top" is forked tounged and I cannot fall for that kind of reasoning.
March 28, 2008 | Unregistered Commenter[Victor Amenta]
I listen to your radio station everyday and I have heard you talk about being against gay marriage and abortion. First of all, I am a big Obama fan, but my question is, why are you such a big Obama fan? He is for gay marriage which is great and for abortion. So the question is why are you such a big fan? I think abortion and gay marriage are two big issues in this country. Is it a racial thing with you???
April 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRico
i tell ya. that ballentine. you have to watch yourself with that guy. i try to listen to him as much as possible because sometimes he can be quite inspirational. (very few) but he messes up... he reeeaaally messes up. not only is he quite inconsistant on issues, he also put out really horrible conspiracy theories that confuse us normal black folk. i wonder sometimes, where in the world did he get his degree or should i say, license to practice law!! sometimes his rantings are just the same as the rightwing fox broadcasts! such a shame! casue right after he spouts off about something so insane, he'll counter it with an excellent dialog regarding race relations amongst our own people. i love you man, but damn, stay consistant!!
i tell people to listen but i always warn people to pls edit out all the non-sense. like when he was all about rappers and their disrespect for women. and his intro music was from one of the most vugar insulting songs popualar this year! PAY ATTENTION WARREN!!
we love ya... but you're breaking our hearts!!!
April 19, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterladd
When I read your article, I thought that you must have been reading my mind. I have stopped listening to Warren's show within the last 4-5 months because his Hillary-hate has eclipsed all objective reporting. He is near hostile to any caller who questions him about why he hates Clinton so much and continues to further Obama's campaign message as if the black voter has absolutely no other choice. Warren is indirectly advocating to black voters that if they are not voting Obama, they are traitors and if Clinton gets the nomination, don't vote for her. I guess Warren will be happy if McCain wins in November as long as Clinton didn't get it.
April 21, 2008 | Unregistered Commentertxgirl96
Txgirl96, Thanks for stopping by. I agree with your assesment of Ballentine. He is creating a climate of negativity and is not attempting to try and teach and guide but, play to the rating numbers. Maybe he is trying to get a national TV spot.
April 22, 2008 | Registered Commenter[Victor Amenta]
I often listen to the Warren Ballentine show as I'm driving and I have to say that many times I'm shocked and disappointed in what I hear not only from the callers but especially from Warren. All to often, Warren fails to be a journalist and let's his ego and emotions get in the way. He often tells his guest he has to cut them off because he's "up against a break" but then proceeds to comment and give his unsolicited opinion re: the caller's comments.

I have no problem with his being totally committed to Barack Obama..I like him myself. I am concerned that he continues to find opportunities to "slam" the Clinton's and make derogatory comments every time he can. Today he tried to make another issue re: Bill Clinton saying he talked with Jesse Jackson during the NC primary and Jesse said "you and I both know what's going on" and then further making a negative comment about Clinton saying he has an office in Harlem. Warren tried to use these comments to paint Bill as a racist. He's had more negative to say about the Clinton's than he's had to say about John McCain but yet he says he wants the republicians out of office.

Warren!! the prize is in November brother! The Supreme Court is at stake among other major issues. Focus on what's important and not on this personal stuff that YOU say should not be on our minds.

I understand why he's not practicing law. I don't want to list the reasons, I'm really trying to take the "high road" with my comments but Warren needs to really check himself and understand what a disservice his brand of "journalism" does to the minds of a lot of vulnerable listeners.
April 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRobert Greene
Robert Greene, AMEN! And thanks for stopping bye, please come again.
April 22, 2008 | Registered Commenter[Victor Amenta]
I'd love to read the entire post, but the LARGE letters hurt my eyes.

But from what I could see, it seems that "The Truthfighter" is on your last nerve.

Warren's show is very educational, but he has his days. But nevertheless, we are very limited with "Black Talk Radio" (since Bob Johnson sold off BET).

But I digress.....
June 5, 2008 | Unregistered Commentersistah
Sistah, I appreciate you stopping by. I am hoping the Black Blogsphere can soon fill that void..
June 6, 2008 | Registered Commenter[Victor Amenta]
For all that are upset with Warren, remember he is a journalist and his views are his opinion. He is no different from right-wing journalists in that you must understand both sides of an issue to not be upset with his opinion. I WILL give him respect for speaking up. Unlike some well-known personalities with opinions that seem to get respect from blacks because they are on TV often, but won't stand up for blacks when we are shot down by police unjustly or railroaded to jail. They won't jepordize their money flow. I'm talking about Bill Cosby, who will criticize blacks publicly but disappears for months if something unjust happens to us. Oprah won't say anything at all about police shootings or blacks being beaten down by police. People like Warren, Joe Madison, and Jim Brown may not be rich, but I have a lot more respect for them than Cosby or Winfrey.
July 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMD guy
What if Obama was Korean yet held every single political position as the Democratic candidate? What if this Korean Obama attended a Korean Christian church whose Korean preacher spewed anti black rhetoric as part of his sermon for the better part of 20 years? Answer: No one would know her name. Any support of Obama merely because of his skin color is deplorable. The hypothetical Korean Obama GETS NO BLACK VOTES. If you're walking along a cliff and fall five hundred feet, change has happened, but it certainly hasn't been beneficial. Think about it.
July 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTruthTeller
@MD, Thanks for stopping by. Nuff respect, for you have a valid point. Ballentine does speak his mind and open subjects that aren't touched by many and I do appreciate that. But, there are times when says or allows things to be said on his program that are just off the mark.

@TruthTeller, I agree. We have to be aware of and analyze just what change is! Thanks for coming by.
July 23, 2008 | Registered Commenter[Victor Amenta]
As Warren would say I agree to disagree. I like Warren's show. You may be listening but you are not hearing what he is saying. If it has not affected you then you would feel that way. We the people are all different so we view things differently. So again I agree to disagree.
September 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStephanie
Thanks for coming by Stephanie, I don't say I disagree totally with him, but there are times when he is just plain off the mark,
September 27, 2008 | Registered Commenter[Victor Amenta]
I agree with a lot of you that although he has some good topics and insight on those topics...a lot of his commentary does seem to be self-promoting. Often only taking calls from people who agree with him. And if they don't, he gets angry at the caller and basically then hangs up on the call and then pushes his own opinion to the people. And if they are not in agreement, they are stupid black people or uninformed. Warren isn't that old, so I wonder how he knows so much about everything and ALWAYS think he is right!
September 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDee
It kills me how its so easy for black folks to find away to critize a young man who puts our issues out. Hes not trying to pimp us like other radio host and all you talking about hes a journalist NEWS FLASH he is a talk show host not a journalist in fact he alwys says that. My question to all you judges is what have you done to change anything oh I know NOTHING
October 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMLK3
MLK3, Thanks for stopping by. Its too bad that Black people have fallen into such a funk as to allow other Black folk to say or do anything and allow it to pass just because he's Black. You may allow yourself to do so but not Ensayn.
October 25, 2008 | Registered Commenter[Victor Amenta]

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