Attorney & talk show host Warren Ballentine
I am surprised by the naivety of the voting public and the overall misguided beliefs held by them. The presidential elections of 2000, 2004 and this electoral season of 2008 have been one of the most telling seasons concerning the election process, more than any other time before. While tuning into the Warren Ballentine show I have been hearing some of th most backward thinking expressed in the words of the callers to Mr. Ballentine's show. Or is it a lack of logical thought? Ballentine is advocating a black out of the Black vote, should the super delegates vote to “select” Sen. Clinton as the Democrat nominee. He has not clearly articulated what this actually means other than pulling back from the Democrat party.
Sen. John McCain
That’s well and good. however, there are people calling in on a variety of Black talk radio programs including his, saying “I hate Hillary, so I am thinking about voting for McCain.” This is exactly what I'm talking about when I say there is a lack of logical thought. If you are following behind Sen. Obama because of his message of change, then, why in the world would you vote for McCain, that openly says in so many words that he’s going to continue the same policies of the Bush regime? What then is your definition of change? Is change just a change of the politics of Washington today as Sen. Obama says? Or is change merely a Black face in the oval office rather than a white one? I get the feeling it's really and truly, for many Black folk, voting in this primary season a matter of getting a Black face in the white house Not the change of how things are done In Washington.
Sen Barak Obama
The fact that people say they “hate” a candidate is a sign of political immaturity. Politics is an absolutely dirty game and Sen. Obama knows this and does not hate, nor will he hate any of his political opponents, be it Hillary or McCain once all voting is done. Ballentine should be in the business of educating his listeners rather than heightening this dislike for Hillary Clinton, he should be educating the listeners to how the process works, he should be telling the truth about how politics works and that we should rise above hating and disliking a political candidate. I really believe that if both Barak and Hillary were white, Black people wouldn't be saying they “hate” Sen. Clinton. concerning this black out, Black people should have been voting as Independents for decades and not allied with any political party, but should act as free sovereign human beings and truly vote for the most qualified person not “who’s most likable or electable”. John McCain is certainly not qualified. By his own admission, McCain said ... "The issue of economics is something that I've really never understood as well as I should…” Again, the voting public has nominated a man that doesn’t understand the biggest problem in the country today, THE ECONOMY!!! Why? What’s the problem? Why don’t people see this?
Finally, Barak Obama got the guts to say the nation is on the “brink” of recession. “The brink” WTH!!! Most people in the U.S. are in a recession, we are spending more for products and services, the cost of fuel is busting our budgets and we are making less money compared to the rise in prices but, we are on the “brink” of a recession. Warren Buffet on NBC this past Sunday, said the country is in a recession. But, those that “hate” Hillary so much will vote for an economic dingbat in John McCain, who’s true ability is warmongering and has no ability in economics. Illogical!!!
Reader Comments (25)
As for me I cannot unite with an Obama train. Any person that says "real change starts at the GRASSROOTS" yet is focusing energy, money and time into going to the "tree top" is forked tounged and I cannot fall for that kind of reasoning.
i tell people to listen but i always warn people to pls edit out all the non-sense. like when he was all about rappers and their disrespect for women. and his intro music was from one of the most vugar insulting songs popualar this year! PAY ATTENTION WARREN!!
we love ya... but you're breaking our hearts!!!
I have no problem with his being totally committed to Barack Obama..I like him myself. I am concerned that he continues to find opportunities to "slam" the Clinton's and make derogatory comments every time he can. Today he tried to make another issue re: Bill Clinton saying he talked with Jesse Jackson during the NC primary and Jesse said "you and I both know what's going on" and then further making a negative comment about Clinton saying he has an office in Harlem. Warren tried to use these comments to paint Bill as a racist. He's had more negative to say about the Clinton's than he's had to say about John McCain but yet he says he wants the republicians out of office.
Warren!! the prize is in November brother! The Supreme Court is at stake among other major issues. Focus on what's important and not on this personal stuff that YOU say should not be on our minds.
I understand why he's not practicing law. I don't want to list the reasons, I'm really trying to take the "high road" with my comments but Warren needs to really check himself and understand what a disservice his brand of "journalism" does to the minds of a lot of vulnerable listeners.
But from what I could see, it seems that "The Truthfighter" is on your last nerve.
Warren's show is very educational, but he has his days. But nevertheless, we are very limited with "Black Talk Radio" (since Bob Johnson sold off BET).
But I digress.....
@TruthTeller, I agree. We have to be aware of and analyze just what change is! Thanks for coming by.