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Final words from a Prophet

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Rev. Dr. Marting Luther King Jr

Whats the science of a black face running for AND WINNING THE presidenCY of the united states?  I'm convinced, should Sen. obama win the presidency he will be deadlocked into getting nothing accomplished other than making the populace feel good.  He will be but a drop of water in an inferno.  i mentioned before that we should mind our minds, but maybe the thrust of what i'm pushing, when i say this, is being LOST.  each and every day, the noise is increasing, but the tone is really sad.  it's the sound of mainstream media coming from our people'S MOUTHS.  if we really believe we'RE such a strong people, why do you fall for the same trickS?  SPIN is the media noise i continue to hear.  first, let me mention, i believe the "O" man is a super intelligent black man (i can say that, since he's a presidential candidate that "happens" to be black, whatever that means) and politician.  the "o" man knows the game he decided to play is A DIRTY GAME, an ugly war.  Why then are our people crying about "the clintons" injecting race ino the fray?  being the radio talk show fan that I am, i listen to power talk hosted by lorraine jacques-white on 1380 am here in atlanta every morning, and it strikes me deeply how many people are affected by the victim's mentality in the black community. CALLS LIKE THIS, "the clintons are injecting race into the CAMPAIGN to make barak look like the "black" candidate in the minds of white voters, to take WHITE votes away from him!!" to which the host agrees.  WHY Do you believe the clinton campaign is that powerful?  IF SO, Why?  actually the primary stats don't bear that claim out at all.  obama won in counties where there was less than a 3% black population, according to Rep. james clyburn of south Carolina.  the "o" man also, won 58% of all voters aged 18-64, and HE WON 22% OF white femaleS and 27% white male VOTES, and on monday after the primary this is what black people are saying??  SOUNDS LIKE MAINSTREAM SPIN CREATING A WHOA IS ME EFFECT IN SOME BLACK PEOPLE.

victim's mentality!

the media is planting thE seed of the victim, into the minds of the those black folk that will not think for themselves.  Notice, that when clinton attacks obama's voting record its portrayed by the media as an attack on "black" obama personally AND HOW WILL "PO' BLACK FOLK FEEL ABOUT THAT".  yet, when john mccain attackS mitt romney's record, its never twisted to look like a personal attack on a mormon!  Take a look at whats happening through your eyes and not the lens of mainstream media.  but, think now, think about what you're happy about should the "o" man win the presidency.  what are black people going to be singing praises about?  I'll leave you with this from harry belafonte concerning a visit to his hoME by dr. King SHORTLY BEFORE REV KING WAS ASSASINATED 1968.

"on our last visit before he was murdered, dr. king appeared to be agitated and preoccupied, and I asked HIM what the matter was, he said, i've come upon something that disturbs me deeply...i've come to believe we're integrating into a burning house."  what was a buring house in 1968 in now a towering inferno, and we should be happy about a black man inheriting an inferno?

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