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Are you a Sheeple?

Picture of Sheep Pictures

unless we can wake up we will continue down the road of the government's destiny. we won't live out our destiny.  we americans, those of us that inhabit this land, whether you were born here, ran across the border, flew in with all the proper documents, we are all going to follow a destiny that is not our own.  "we the people", the preamble points out that we have the power, we are the country.  yet, we sit back and bicker amongst ourselves as to whether we should support obama, clinton, edwards or some other person  to lead us.  take the red pill and wake up to see things as they really are.  the constitution was designed to restrain the influence of the government, not to allow the government to rule by.  How many of you viewed the constitution as a ruling instrument of the government?  How many of you realize that the patriot act is eroding that restraint on the goverment?  just look around you and see whats happening.  aRe any of the candidates really addressing the economy? the real id? you better mind your mind.

Reader Comments (2)


The problem is that being an active citizen requires actual work. Most Americans spend so much time on the gerbil wheel they call a job that when they aren't working they just want to spend money.

They want to fill up the good 'ol SUV and head for the mall and then Mickey D's.

And I also think that most Americans truly don't have the ability to use logic. And without logic it's hard to decipher what is truth from lies. And if you can't determine when your government is lying, you get Iraq and national ID’s and The Patriot Act.
January 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMes Deux Cents
Wow MDC, thts deep bout most Americans not having the ability to us logic. I pretty much feel the same way, but I don't feel good about that.
January 27, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterensayn

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