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Entries by [Victor Amenta] (290)


SELF DEFENSE PART 2: Operation Urgent Fury - Greneda, A Perspecitve More Than 30 Years Later.

When I began this series last month I ran a video of a martial arts instructor teaching his techique to a group of students.  I felt he was quite thorough as a teacher and I wanted to share.  However, when I considered what I would post next under the guise of self defense, I never thought it would be about the revolution in Grenada that spurred the U.S. to attack the little island with their newly developed special forces group teams.  I went to youtube to research more on what U.S. military groups actually took part in the invasion of the spice island.  I learned that it was mostly special forces units; Army Rangers in first, Delta Force, Navy S.E.A.L.s, Green Berets, Force Marine Recon, Airforce special forces, and U.S. Army Airborne units.  The invasion was a fiasco by military standards, but still overwhelming for an island nation the size of Grenada with no military to speak of.  So why attack Grenada?  And, why would I think of self defense and the Grenada Revolution? 

Feeding yourself and your family create a zone of freedom.  Every growing season each household should take control of what they eat and grow as much of their own fruits and veggies as they can.  It will give relief to your household economy and strengthen your body.  The Grenada Revolution said "Freedom Is Feeding Yourself".  After I watched these set of videos, I came to the renewed realization that when Black people take into our own hands we take our destiny the white over culture requires that it stop that progress. Feeding yourself from your own dirt is freeing yourself.  Check out the revolution that Reagan needed to stop.



Self Defense Part 1

I want to begin with a video.  The Teacher is very instructional and by his demonstration one should be able to observe that it is not force that determines your outcome, but the sheer will of mind with the body following.  Such that, you should be able to conceive that it is body power in this situation that will allow you to overcome a foe if ever attacked on this wise.  This video demonstrates power that can be extended over an opponent whether one is large, small, male, female.  Notice that this is a Teacher speaking and not simply a "master."  Take note here that what we persue under the moniker of self defense will morph into many forms.  It is our response to that change as to whether we will prevail or not.




Girls Still Missing...Boko Haram To Bill Gates

Last month, its been reported that in Nigeria at least 300 hundred girls were taken by the insurgent group Boko Haram.  Its been hammered into us that Boko Haram means 'western education is a sin' so it makes perfect sense that they would attack a school that's curriculum is deemed a "western" education being taught to girls.  These insurgents are said to have carved out it's own country taking an area that borders Chad, Nigeria, Cameroon and Niger, and the girls have likely been sold as "wives" (child sex slaves) to the men in this area for as little as 12 US Dollars.  Outcry over social media bled over into main stream media and in a short bit of time president Obama sends special forces into Nigeria.  I don't mean Delta teams or S.E.A.L. teams, but similar types that speecialize in finding missing and kidnapped persons.  They could be either military or civilian.  At any rate Mr. Obama responded thus  pacified and calmed the masses.

Something never sat right with me on this story.  It seemed too perfect, it made too much sense when I really thought about it.  All the pieces fit to well.  Soon stories began to surface about Bill Gates funding Boko Haram.  That Boko Haram was a front group for mercenaries, an army for hire.  I read an article at CrimeFacts

which reports Bill Gates is actually funding Boko Haram which they report came from the Global Profile Alliance.  I searched the net to find Global Profile Alliance's website and was unable to locate a webpage for them.  I did find, however, Prince Dr. Phillip Njemanze who is quoted in the article.  Dr. Njemanze is no less a genius and holds several patents.  But upon further digging much turned up that didn't make sense or seemed out of place which seemed to be the perfect cover.

Boko Haram

Bill Gates is known to the world for making his money as the head of Microsoft corporation.  Stepping down fully from Microsoft, winter of this year, taking on the roll as technology advisor.  Well known is the fact that he and his wife Melinda are founders of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that does research in agricultural development and has a global health division.  The Gates foundation is one of the largest in the world and has purchased 5 hundred thousand shares of Monsanto Corp worth 23 million dollars at the time of purchase and probably worth more now.  The Gates foundation also has teamed up with Cargill on a ten million dollar project to push soy products into Africa.  But, crazy enough Cargill was sued by the International Labor Rights Fund for...wait for it, wait for it...TRAFFICKING CHILDREN FROM MALI TO WORK AS COCOA BEAN PLANTION SLAVES

Monsanto is being reported to be funding Boko Haram to attack and disrupt the indigenous farmers in Nigeria to force on them their terminator seeds and destroy the natural farming that probably has been going on for thousands of years. This would cause the local farmers to become beholden to the corporation and turning them into sharecroppers on their own ancestral lands, effectively re-enslaving the people.  Nigeria is being forced to give up jurisdiction over their own food to someone else.  So, is it so strange and odd that Bill Gates would be funding Boko Haram?  Sure, he may not sit down and orchestrate such madness, but his name is the sign post since he is has become the poster child for his new company home.  Monsanto.


Where is Black America Heading? Dr. Claude Anderson 2014





Relisha Rudd has been missing from her family since February 26th of this year.  Or was she given or sold to her abductor.   Kahlil Tatum (note the Kemetic symbols on his arm) was last seen with this baby and was captured on FBI video at a hotel with the child.  Tatum is also suspected of killing his own wife and probably in front of little Relisha.  The story is so strange including Tatum posing as Relisha's doctor and even intimates that her mother, grandmother and step father may have given (sold?) over to Kahlil Tatum. 


Sadly for little miss Relisha Rudd there was no AMBER alert sounded for her outside of the Washington DC area.  Even though the alleged murder of Mrs. Tatum took place in Maryland, Tatum has a criminal record in the state of Virginia.  On top of that there are reports coming out that he may be headed down to the Atlanta area with the little girl.    No AMBER alert has ever been sounded in the Atlanta area, dispite the alleged predator possibly bringing her through several states on into Georgia.  It's so horrible and yet astounding that Black people vehemently spit the name Geroge Zimmerman from their mouths but, narry a word about Kahlil Tatum.  No marches for Relisha Rudd.  No Revum Al for Relisha Rudd.