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Entries in Racism (2)



My web sister Madison Maragh, on her program Jamaica Live, delved deeply into the Jamaican government's pushing of an amendment to institute NIDS.  NIDS is a national identification system to be implemented on the island of Jamaica sometime after 2019.  Acting Chief Technical Director in the Office of the Prime Minister  Jacqueline Lynch-Stewart,  will mandate all civil service employees to pilot the program beginning January 2019. 
NIDS is not simply an ID system to secure the people of the island nation.  This ID system was created by Dermalog, a German Biometrics company, that has contracted with the Phillipines' government to issue biometric driver licenses, Singapore's government for Immigration and & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) using their BioScreen technology to capture thumbprints of persons entering and departing their country.  Singapore has made it compulsary for foreign travellers to scan their thumbprints.  Cambodia has required it's citizens to accept a Dermalog national ID card and ePassport that requires all ten finger prints to be scanned.
The Maldives is the first to have the full Dermalog national ID system in full swing and now Jamaica has begun the process to link it's people, like the Borg in Star Trek Next Generation,  to a central computer system.  The Jamaican government will require not only prints of all ten fingers (eight fingers and both thumbs) but, foot/toe prints, vein pattern of the hand, and blood type to be recorded.  That, of course, is not all but, these are the most invasive aspects of this system. 
Jamaica Live host Madison Maragh raised a most serious point concerning the housing of this most important and deeply personal information.  She questioned where the information would be stored and Jamaica's ability to protect it in today's world of information security breaches. Blood type and vein patterns collected is disconcerting as we must be aware that the body parts of Black people are highly prized around the world.  I wonder could this also be a reason for having and storing such information since Jamaica has a population of over 90 percent Black people. 
Another point Madison brought up was why the rush to get people registered.  Why the rush?  I decided to follow the money.  There is always a money trail.  Always.  The initial design is funded by a Technical Co-operation grant from the Inter American Development Bank through the Koren Povery Fund totaling  $790,000  which is headquartered in Washington D.C.  (Korean Poverty Fund???) This grant will fund several consultancies but, the one that stands out the most to me is to the Develop the Communications and Behavior Change Strategy consultants.   This is, in my opinion, is the psy war ops team to cause the majority of the people to accept this invasive and unnecessary numbering of the people. 
The cost of this project is estimated at approximately $9 billion USD.   In 2011 Jamaica's total external debt was over $14 billion USD with a Gross Domestic Product of only $9,200 per person as of 2012.  Bloomberg reported in October 2016 that Jamaica received  $1.7 billion USD to add to the outstanding $14 billion USD.  I am sure there is a lot more to this story and the phoney claim by Prime Minister Holness that this will fight corruption is truly not one of them.  One pattern to observe surely is that this NIDS program is being implemented in countries with dark skinned people and not Germany the home of Dermalog.

Girls Still Missing...Boko Haram To Bill Gates

Last month, its been reported that in Nigeria at least 300 hundred girls were taken by the insurgent group Boko Haram.  Its been hammered into us that Boko Haram means 'western education is a sin' so it makes perfect sense that they would attack a school that's curriculum is deemed a "western" education being taught to girls.  These insurgents are said to have carved out it's own country taking an area that borders Chad, Nigeria, Cameroon and Niger, and the girls have likely been sold as "wives" (child sex slaves) to the men in this area for as little as 12 US Dollars.  Outcry over social media bled over into main stream media and in a short bit of time president Obama sends special forces into Nigeria.  I don't mean Delta teams or S.E.A.L. teams, but similar types that speecialize in finding missing and kidnapped persons.  They could be either military or civilian.  At any rate Mr. Obama responded thus  pacified and calmed the masses.

Something never sat right with me on this story.  It seemed too perfect, it made too much sense when I really thought about it.  All the pieces fit to well.  Soon stories began to surface about Bill Gates funding Boko Haram.  That Boko Haram was a front group for mercenaries, an army for hire.  I read an article at CrimeFacts

which reports Bill Gates is actually funding Boko Haram which they report came from the Global Profile Alliance.  I searched the net to find Global Profile Alliance's website and was unable to locate a webpage for them.  I did find, however, Prince Dr. Phillip Njemanze who is quoted in the article.  Dr. Njemanze is no less a genius and holds several patents.  But upon further digging much turned up that didn't make sense or seemed out of place which seemed to be the perfect cover.

Boko Haram

Bill Gates is known to the world for making his money as the head of Microsoft corporation.  Stepping down fully from Microsoft, winter of this year, taking on the roll as technology advisor.  Well known is the fact that he and his wife Melinda are founders of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that does research in agricultural development and has a global health division.  The Gates foundation is one of the largest in the world and has purchased 5 hundred thousand shares of Monsanto Corp worth 23 million dollars at the time of purchase and probably worth more now.  The Gates foundation also has teamed up with Cargill on a ten million dollar project to push soy products into Africa.  But, crazy enough Cargill was sued by the International Labor Rights Fund for...wait for it, wait for it...TRAFFICKING CHILDREN FROM MALI TO WORK AS COCOA BEAN PLANTION SLAVES

Monsanto is being reported to be funding Boko Haram to attack and disrupt the indigenous farmers in Nigeria to force on them their terminator seeds and destroy the natural farming that probably has been going on for thousands of years. This would cause the local farmers to become beholden to the corporation and turning them into sharecroppers on their own ancestral lands, effectively re-enslaving the people.  Nigeria is being forced to give up jurisdiction over their own food to someone else.  So, is it so strange and odd that Bill Gates would be funding Boko Haram?  Sure, he may not sit down and orchestrate such madness, but his name is the sign post since he is has become the poster child for his new company home.  Monsanto.