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Entries by [Victor Amenta] (290)


Sammy Sosa; Indio Claro! Race and the Dominican Republic

When most of us saw Sammy Sosa, we couldn't believe that a man of his age would go to such extemesSammy Sosa skin transformation to change his skin tone and colour.  But, most of us were looking at Mr. Sosa with perspectives shaped by our own environments and communities.  We in the "States" have a view point on race, much different than people from Dominican Republic and of course the world of the DR has shaped Sosa's view point and mentality.  While my own view is shaped by my environment, community and understanding as a Black person in the States, I don't condone his behaviour but, I do understand the conditions that may have shaped is mind.  However, Mr. Sosa has lived in the States far too long to have not been able to overcome the racial mental chains that were locked on while growing up in the Dominican Republic that have bound his thinking to continue to believe the Trujillo edictProduct Details on being a darker skinned person.  Per these photos he has not.  In 2007 the Miami Herald ran an article that may help shape our understanding about why so our relatives in the Dominican Republic may feel the way they do about their darker skins. 


Change is only an illusion

An historic milestone was reached in October this year when the budget deficit hit 1.4 trillion under the leadership of president Obama.  Its predicted to reach 1.8 trillion by year's end.

So whats a trillion?  Hard to explain, but lets take a shot at it.  If you borrowed 1 million dollars from me and you agreed to pay me back at one dollar per second it would take you 11 days to payoff the debt.  One billion dollars paid back at one dollar per second would take you 32 years, and one trillion would take you a whopping 32,000 years to pay me back.  Will deficit ever be overcome?  By the way the national debt is now 11 trillion dollars.  Mr. Obama please show us the change....


Song lyrics we should comtemplate

I'm posting this because I'm partly inspired by RB at Kingston State of Mind.  And the simple fact that something is happening with our Black youth in the western hemisphere, it seems the system would rather exploit their bad actions rather than search for a cure.  I'm sure we could debate all the current issues like poverty, fatherless homes and the like but, I believe those issued has nothing to do with acting with like caged animals.


Its not the communist you have to worry about

Unbelievably, there are people in the United States that are still obsessed with the fear of a socialist take over of the government. I have to pinch myself to make sure I’ve not fallen asleep and somehow been transported back in time to the McCarthy era or the Reagan era of the 1980’s, when then president Ronald Reagan sought to and destroyed the “evil empire”, referring to the former USSR.

In 2009, many communist countries don't even believe in true communisim anymore (if they ever really did).  I am not here to defend communism, socialism or even capitalism for that matter, but to explore the inane rhetoric being espoused by many white U.S. citizens and sadly Black and non white people are joining in on the socialist/communist hooplah.  The very idea that communist/socialist are taking over the U.S. government and creating a one world government is flying all over the radio airwaves and the blogsphere, including the black blogshere.  Seemingly, these radio host may be hiding something else behind their use of the word socialist when referring to president Obama, but thats another story in another book.  How then can Black bloggers and radio host really believe in a communist take over of the U.S. government and the world, when the facts of who is really behind it betray their beliefs? 

President Obama has made it very clear in his actions that he is very pro Wall Street and somewhat oblivious to Main Street, as I interpret his actions.  In an 89 page white paper president Obama spread the blame across the board for the current recession/depressiion by saying from Wall Street, to Washington, to Main Street a culture of irresponsibility took root.  In that vein the president moved to give the U.S. central bank, the Federal Reserve Board, greater oversight in monitoring the biggest financial firms considered critical to the health of the overall banking system.

The Federal Reserve Board has been given unprecidented oversight authority by president Obama.  Make no mistake, the Federal Reserve is not a government agency and is not beholden to the U.S. government in any fashion.  Actually, the U.S. government is beholden to the Fed.  The Federal Reserve Board is a cartel of private national and international bankers that control the printing of money in the United States. But, who are the communist these so called conservatives are speaking of?

James Paul Warburg son of Paul Moritz Warburg (Daddy Warbucks) of Kuhn, Loeb & Co, stated in the U.S. senate on February 17, 1950 “We shall have World Government whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.” Kuhn, Loeb and & Co. is not a communist or socialist organization, but an investment bank. Kuhn, Loeb & Co, founded in 1867, financed Westinghouse and Western Union in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Today the Kuhn, Loeb & Co. have merged with Lehman Brothers and later absorbed by American Express. AKA, Wall Street.  Are the Warburgs communist?

David Rockefeller

 writes in his book Memoirs that “For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing

my family and me as "internationalists" and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it

Who would classify the Rockefeller family as socialist/communist? This family is truly one of the most influential capitalist, industrial and banking families in U.S. history, and in fact were part of the group that formed the private bank now known as the Federal Reserve.

David Rockefeller proudly admits to being part of this “cabal of internationalist.” What is the purpose of these Black conservatives that join in on this verbal garbage? It’s a shame when Black people are being led by the nose by the likes of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh or Michael Savage by joining in and repeating such mis-information. We should be about educating Black people first and foremost and stepping away from joining “boss” in his mis-education of the public. 














Do you understand the words that are coming out of your mouth?


Words, phrases and sayings all have roots in other languages that have come over into English and on to the (A)Merican language. Many words we use today may have common origins and meanings familiar to us and others may not. For instance I’ve noticed how the word Black evolves and bleaches to white in it’s origins. Here are some words that we use everyday and may not have thought of their etymological roots or where they come from and how they just may affect our psyche without us ever noticing. I thought about this when I saw the Chris Tucker character in the movie Rush Hour said to his Chinese collegue “do you understand the words that are coming our of my mouth?” So I ask do you understand the words that are coming out of your mouth?

Wife - Having roots in that of a veiled person, shame or female shame; pudenda “one being made to shame.” To the Germanic wibam (wombman) or simply woman. Originally having nothing to do with being in a state of marriage.

Witch - Later understood to be a woman having dealings with the devil. From the Germanic female soothsayer, wikken. One skilled with drugs or poisons (pharmacology). From the Gothic weihs meaning sacred. Ultimately a witch is a WISE woman.

Wit - As you can see the root of the word wit-ch. From the Germanic witz; a joke. Wid meaning to see, to see is to know.

Genius - One possessing superior intelligence. A person with distinguished mental prowess or an outstanding creative talent. The Romans believed the genius was the guiding or “tutelary”(guardian) spirit of a person, an inborn nature. From the Arabic Djinn or Genii, coming into English as “genie,” from the Kemetan (Egyptian) Guardian Angel.

God/god - Origins of the word are uncertain. Possibly from Proto-Germanic gudan. The immanent spirit in a burial ground. Or the pouring of libations. Also, believed to be from the heathen word for deity. Possibly from the Proto-Indo-European grau meaning “to call or invoke”(conjure?) Others believe the word God/god derives from the Buddha’s patriarchal name Guatama or Gotama, to the Danish Gud, German Gott, to English God. At any rate the word God/god is a relatively new EUROPEAN invention in terms of history.