Do You Understand The Words That are Coming Out Of Your Mouth???

Words are simply verbal symbols that conveys messages to and from us to others, or from other sources such as the news. Yet, we take for granted we that we know what we are saying when we talk. Here are a few words I am sure we are confident we know the meaning. But, do we really?
Nice - Agreeable, delightful. Thoughtful and kind. From the late 13th century meaning foolish, stupid, and senseless. From Old French Nice meaning silly, foolish. From the Latin nescius meaning ignorant.
Bad - Normally best described as inferior in quality stemming from the 1200's, coming to mean evil, vicious or wicked. Originating from the Old English baeddel or baedling meaning effeminate man, hermaphrodite. Also meaning to defile.
Care - From Old English caru or cearu meaning "sorrow, anxiety or grief also "serious mental attention." Old German chara meaning sorrow "wail or lament." From German karg meaning scanty or stingy. Gar meaning to cry out, scream to grief.
Black - Old English blaec "black,dark" From Old Nordic blakkr "dark" From Old High German blah "black", from Proto Indo European bhleg "meaning to burn, gleam, shine or flash, to bleach." Old English meaning "bright, shining, glittering, pale. Middle English it's doubtful that blac, blak, blake means black, dark or pale, colourless..." Black when referring to people first appeared around 1620's, possible coming from the 1540's term blackamoor meaning "black as a moor."
Do your really know what you're saying when you say it? Do you understand the words that are coming out of your mouth: