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Entries in Rasta (1)


Buju, say it ain't so!!!

Last week Thursday, Mr. Mark A. Myrie was arrested in Miami on cocaine charges.  The D.E.A. claims to have Mr. Myrie AKA Buju Banton on audio and video tape for a purchase of at least 5 kilos of cocaine.  All the while people are bemoaning Tiger Woods and his "buddy" issues, we reggae/dancehall afficianados have been stunned to hear Buju was arrested on cocaine charges.  In these United Snakes the paid un-named informant is always the main witness in these cases.  Remember how it worked in the case against Regina Kelly.


Buju was not at the facility where two others were at the time of his arrest.  He was in Miami, however one attorney that has read the affidavit against Buju says its airtight and his absence from the original scene of the arrest will not be enough to mount a sufficient defense.   Now, I'm not so sure that the gay communtiy had anything what so ever to do with his arrest, I'm not so sure arrogance and maybe a feeling of being above the law had anything to do with his arrest.  But, surely being a  Black man in (the) America(s) is enough to be arrested.   What stands out to me  is this quote by University of Miami professor David Rowe s "He could enter a plea and attempt to strike a deal while assuming that the DEA has the evidence that it says it has."  Now this stinks of attempting to force Buju Banton into giving over information for who they really want.  This tactic is quite common in the U.S.   Man, man, man.  Buju, just say it ain't so!!!


"I was living life in the fast lane like a train on the tracks.  Here is a perfect example, look at me and where I'm at..."  -Buju Banton, Fast Lane