Royal Marshall WSB AM 750 Producer Of the Neal Boortz Show Transitions

Over the weekend, radio producer for WSB AM 750, Royal Marshall passed away leaving a wife and two children ages two and four. Royal was only 43 years young. Gone, leaving his children with what will only be a faint memory of him for the four year old and probably not much of a memory at all for the two year old. I used to listen to the Royal Treatment quite often and rather enjoyed Royal's style and flow. He often brought a brought a perspective to a conservative talking head station, that was not so right wing. Actually, he was more of what a conservative may truly be. Sadly, this brotha transitioned at age 43 from Hypertensive Cardio Vascular disease.
Unfortunately, too many of us, the people of the Sun, fall victim to High Blood pressure and its evil effects on our bodies. I am not aware of Royal Marshall's health record, yet 17.5 million people died from Cardiovascular Disease in 2005 which was about 30% of the worlds population. And, yet we continue to consume that which kills us. I know I am scared. Not scared of a man, nor the economy, but of what may be on my plate. I try, I work at avoiding as much of the feed that we in this country believe is food. Eating all the while but, receiving no nourishment or nutrients. Here is a young man, that collapsed at 1 am and was gone by 1:30am from what is supposed to be a preventable disease. Fighting the urges to eat this poison is much like a heroin junky trying to go cold turkey to get off smack. Be conscious of what you put in your mouths. If your parents ate a the typical "soul food" regimen of pork, chicken, greens and beef, remember many of them may have lived in rural areas and ate animals that were recently slaughtered. We, however, are not receiving freshly killed animals to consume. After an animal has been dead for more than 72 hours there in no life force to comsume. What this society consumes is far worse and many man made chemicals have been added to meats to make them appear as if the meat was recently killed, and it was not. If you're scared like me, you're planning your garden for this spring, you're not eating meat and if you do, you are eating grass fed certified organic beef or wild caught cold water fish. And, even this should be held to a minimum.