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Is Liz Cheney Right? President Obama Is Weak!

Liz Cheney is pictured. | AP Photo


"The problem is, is that we don't have a powerful president..." Liz Cheney said when responding to Chris Wallace's question as to whether the Bush asministration would have gone through the roof if Nancy Pelosi had invited a foreign head of state to the U.S. without consulting Bush.  

Cheney essentially said your man president Obama is weak.  This is the reason the invited head of state, Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, accecpts John Boner's invitation and never consulted president Obama and landed on U.S. soil. This is like your teen age child inviting company from out of town to your house and never consulting you. The parent, the home owner is never consulted.

Of course I wanted Cheney to define her use of the word powerful in this context.  Since she didn't, I decided to look at this recent action or in action when it comes to president Obama's and attorney general Eric Holder's handling of Mike Brown murderer Darren Wilson.  

The decision by president Obama to not charge murderer Darren Wilson with a crime was bad.  It smacks of a 'yessah boss' mentality. The mind of Fiddlah in Roots' when he scolded Kunta Kente for running away.  "Look heyah bwoy, you ain't gone have massa tek way mah bed and liqua, cuz you runs away..." I tried to covince myself that this was not the case until it occured to me he is getting pissed on and saying nothing.

Boner, Netanyahu and all those who stood by and said nothing are straight pissing  on him because he's not a powerful president per Liz Cheney.  And, for that matter, the byproduct of his weakness is weak control of the borders and air space.  Netanyahu just flew right on in.  Remember, he never consulted president Obama on coming through U.S. air space.

Maybe Liz Cheney is right.  Maybe, president Obama is a weak president.  He says nothing directly about issues that directly affect Black people in this country yet, they still piss on him.  Now, it shouldn't matter what they think of him if he should speak out directly about the out right murder of Black people by the government.  They piss on him anyway.

President Obama is probably being what he has always been.  There was probably a time in his life when white boys he grew up with bullied him.  I am almost sure of it.  He lived in a world where he was the odd kid out being so dark.  We know how white kids are brutal.  

They probably teased him about his dark skin and he probably went home to cry on his mommy's shoulder.  Michelle's arm is probably  drenched now that mommy is gone and the same white bulliess in Boehner and Netanyahu piss on him right now.

++++Maybe this was just my imagination playing with me.  Netanyahu wiill be here in March???++++