president obama; worshippers,critics & haters

"Black unemployment is terrible. The black frame of mind is terrible. They’re depressed. They’re down, Obama not doing anything for them. How’s that hoax and change working for ya? They’re all livid. They thought there was going to be an exact 180 degree economic reversal, and it’s done nothing but get bad for everybody, but they’re especially upset about it because they look at him as one of them, and now they feel abandoned, and I’m sure Tiger Woods’ choice of females not helping them out with their attitudes either." - Rush Limbaugh (12/08/09)
Simply put, President Barack Obama is probably the most worshipped, despised and critiqued president in the annals of United States history. I’m not saying this because, to the majority population here he‘s considered Black, not withstanding his mother is Caucasian, but because he is a Black man in America. First and foremost President Obama is Black in America. To that end he’s worshipped, despised and critiqued. The worshppers Understandably, many Blacks in the U.S. feel they’ve seen the culmination of the work by the Civil Rights struggle in President Barack Obama. Years of struggle to reach a point in U.S. history, where, finally a Black man can be judged by the content of his character and not by the color of his skin. The worshippers know, and in fact everyone should know that our president garnered a huge number of white votes. I’m sure for many of the worshipers this marks the beginning of an end of some sorts to the racial disparity in the U.S. or at least of an acknowledgement that a Black face can occupy the white house. The Critics Often mistaken as a haters, critics of President Obama have been berated for pointing out the fact that this president may be the culmination of one judged by the content of his character but, is certainly not the standard bearer of the many other concepts espoused by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King. President Obama has been very clear in his position that he is not a drum major for the people, but for the corporations and his financial backers. When critics call the president out as such we are mis-nomered haters. Critics such as myself, realize and understand it really matters very little who occupies the white house as president. The color of the skin of the president has little to do with what can be done and has to be done to sustain that position. The Haters As I mentioned above this Black president garnered a huge number of white votes, which actually sealed his nomination and election as president. In as much as whites voted for him to the tune of 43% during the election. Today, among whites, President Obama is carrying a 39% (dis) approval rating. Here’s the rub. The haters intend to excoriate this president. Most insidious to me are the Black conservatives that walk hand in hand with the likes of Limbaugh, Hanniy, Beck and others of this ilk, calling the president a Marxist, communist or socialist to disparage his image. The vitriol spewed by these haters are destructive in their intent to harm and disperse fear rather than educating and critiquing the president’s actions