Officer Phillip Tobin;Terrorists Also Wear Badges.

For the past 11 years Officer Phillip Tobin of the Thomaston Police Department in Georgia has rained down terror on the citizens of Thomaston. Officer Tobin is now on administrative leave since the public out cry for his ouster has created a ground swell that has reached Atlanta. Former Atlanta city councilman, activist and current host of Too Much Truth on 1380 WAOK Atlanta Derrick Boazman has now become involved with the citizens efforts to have Phillip Tobin fired from the Thomaston police department. The force behind the ground swell is Rhondalynn Traylor who began by getting a petition for the removal of Officer Tobin.
One blogger said Tobin is known as The Glove. Tobin is said to drive around with his police car window down challenging people as he patrols the little central Georgia town. Tobin has been reported recently of tazing a 68 year old woman, beating a man nearly to death who was in fact not the man that should have been arrested. A case of "mistaken identity"? Thomaston, Georgia is about 60 miles south of Atlanta, a small town with a population of approximately 10,000 people. Officer Tobin should be well aware of the people that are passing through with drugs and who actually resides in the little town. Sadly, Tobin has had almost 80 official complaints filed against him yet he was still blessed by police chief Dan Greathouse to continue working.
Phillip Tobin and Chief Dan Greathouse, it's time to go. What we are seeing in this country is the continued rising of the warrior cop. Federal dollars that flood into police departments are one of the culprits that give life to these warrior cops. It's not simply racism that is the force behind the abusive tactics of police departments, especially those in small town U.S.A. It's the flowing of federal dollars into these small towns for drug busts that help give rise to the bedeviled tactic that has so often kill or destroyed people. Most often innocent people that have nothing to do with what a warrent is issued for. Take the case of baby BouBou whose little face was blown apart by Habersham, County GA deputies on what they call a drug raid. This illustrates the destructive nature sanctioned by the federal government's issuance of dollars for drug busts.
Baby BouBou would not have suffered such life altering injuries if it were not for huge drug raids with little to no reconnoitering before launching these careless and destructive raids. It is really a simple fix that can be handled by a stroke of a pen in Washington by the States's top cop Eric Holder. Attorney General Holder can end these "drug raids" by stopping federal dollars from running into police departments for any drugs they seize or drug related arrests. Sure federal dollars should run, but to departments that carefully execute the law.