Very similar to the 1960 massacre at Sharpville Township where 69 people were murdered which included 10 children, that horrible day on March 21st, 1960, like wise 34 men were shot down by government agents. Lonmin, the London listed company which is actually controlled by the U.S. based company Anglo American who owns Anglo Platinum pays the men the equivalent of $450.00 per month. The miners have been protesting wages and seeking an increase that would take them up to $1250.00 per month. This is meager on the scale of things, and yet lives have been destroyed by government agents (Polis-Men) acting in accordance with policy shot down workers seeking to better take care of their families.
Afri-com you say? Who and what is Afri-Com protecting? Concessions contract on full display? Who owns the road that you travel? The city? The county? Or, a multi-national corporation? Who owns the school your child attends? What do you own and control?