Kevin Spacey recently spoke at a television convention in Edinburgh Scotland, telling the audience that “if they want to binge….then let them binge” meaning the general public. Binge is the new trend in television and I dare say also in media in general. Once a subject is thrown out to the masses there is a continued hashing and rehashing of that subject. The television audience, which are most of us, are subjecting ourselves to sensory overload. Binging on television is how the media intends to move forward in it’s attempt to give you what you want. The problem as I see it is that we, the public, are not actually making a conscious decision to binge out on TV.
Almost every major corporation has an insight department who’s main purpose is to own, influence and drive consumer behavior. More and more corporations are employing behavioral scientists to manipulate the human brain to fool it into spending their Federal Reserve Notes on items or food they ordinarily may not have purchased. The question then arises. If, corporations are manipulating consumer behavior, why not your government? Here in lies the tale. Most often technology (including visual and auditory techniques) have been utilized by the government for many years before that technology reaches the everyday consumer. We may not want to willingly binge on television, but we may be driven to binge on it by hired psychological hit men. Television is just one platform where the assault takes place. There are billions of mobile devices worldwide that are capable of keeping one engaged and tuned in while keeping the world around you tuned out.
As you watch Mister sell you on going to war with Syria tonight, keep in mind certain word play and visual techniques will be deployed in an attempt to persuade you into seeing the benefit of warring with that small nation. We are being assaulted continually by corporations including the United States Corporation into “buying” some product or an idea. It would be truly beneficial to spend time with yourself and minding your mind. We are fast approaching the Christmas season, that now begins in September, and will be bombarded by corporations with buy this and buy that. If you are one that practices the Christmas tradition, work at not buying Christmas this year. Work on minding your mind and “making” Christmas. Work on minding your mind to go out and put your body to work, physically. Plant your winter garden and eat from your own hand rather than his hand. You may save your life.
"Mind your wants because someone wants your mind" - George Clinton Funkentelechy vs the Placebo Syndrome.
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