Abagond makes excellent observations about political arguements, and how they form and from whence they form. He posits that political arguments " bottom about they are about right and wrong, not true and false. So you cannot argue politics the same way you argue science, mathematics or even history." I hold this same sentiment, that most people's political arguements stem from their emotions, how they feel about a subject more than the acutal facts of a particular political issue. And even more politicians play to these emotions and stir the emotional pot of the general voting public.
These television debates are little more than the usual mind capturing channel zero garbage that graces your digital airwave each week in the forms of the X Factor, Love and Hip Hop, or the Housewives of whereever. You can insert the city of your choosing here. I think you get my point. The so called debates are not about informing nor are they about the candidates truly establishing their plan for your future. They are shows. Who looks the best while they are saying what it is they are saying. Whomever looks better in style, character and not so much content is usually the winner. It should take more than this for the voter to select her/his next representative but the public refuses to inform itself outside of the showmanship of the debates and the political spin by the Hannity's or Ballentine's over the airwaves.
Unfortunately, the misconception that we in the States live under a democracy if the first fatal informational flaw that exists and needs to be irradicated swiftly. This is not a democracy, but a republic. This is a nation of laws, and each candidate will tell the public this simple fact. We are a republic and a nation of laws and for that reason alone we as the public should take heed and begin to understand these laws. If you remember the (s)election of November 2000 it was the Supreme Court that installed G.W. Bush as president and not the vote. This exposed exactly what this experiment is all about. Law. Yet, as Deb said on the comments on her blog is (I paraphrase here) the what is most astounding is the public doesn't want to educate themselves. Yep, ignoring the truth is bliss for them.
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