The Primary Enemy Of African Americans Is Not A Who, But A What.

There are several enemies of Black people in the U.S. and the world. The most obvious is white supremacy and it's many tentacles that even reach into the world's Black population so deeply, that we will practice the art of white supremacy against ourselves. Classifying our own population into shades of skin colour and assigning value to one shade over another. This is a pandemic throughout the world's Black population including the people of South Asia. It's rooted in the psyche so deeply that the darker shades of hue of our people will chemically alter the colour of their skin to appear lighter, since we have assigned a higher value in our social ranking to the lighter shades of our people. Many in our population have successfully altered the colour of their skin to an unnatural light hue as in the most famous case of Michael Jackson and lately Sammy Sosa and Vybz Kartel. Also included would be the huge sales of lightning creams in Africa and South Asia (I have not seen any statistics for the Black people of the South Pacific.) However, as deeply and sad as this is, especially being rooted in white supremacy, this is not our primary enemy.
I was listening to a fantastic radio program on Center Stage entitled Save Your House Even After Foreclosure. I'd previously seen the link to the program but never listened. The program had originally been recorded on December 14th of last year, and I just decided to listen to it yesterday, and I believe everyone that has a mortgage or is working on getting one should listen to the program. However, during the program the guest said that (I'm paraphrasing here) 'we are beyond fighting with guns' and he was talking about his work, but it occured to me the same was true for what and how we eat. And really why we eat what we do eat. In that, there is an attack on going and the attack is not with a gun or a bomb.
In the U.S., the health and wellness industry has lured us into a belief system of what is good and healthy for us to eat. A belief system because the "proper" way to eat is dellivered to us via "public service" announcements, news, food shows and a chart often posted in work and school cafeterias. Yet, few of us desire to research and begin to really know what is good/bad/healthy/unhealthy for us to eat. Eating is what sustains us but when we eat and not consume nuturients from our food we are eating our way into to illness including mental illness and eventual death. Behavioral scientist's have conducted several studies in the U.K. on it's male incarcerated population on how the lack of nutrients affects behavior. Here in the U.S. a high school saw lower truancy rates, higher grades and fewer arguments between students so much so that student confrontations became almost none existant. Simply by adding in fresh fruits and veggies to their lunchs and eliminating burgers and fries. When given supplements of vitamins and minerals, and by changing their diets into more fresh vegetables and fruits, the incidneces of violence dropped dramatically in the prisions. Apparently, our enemy is not who we have believed them to be.
The health and wellness industry is our primary enemy. Our primary enemy is on our forks. They have attacked first through our food. By not only polluting the soil, but also by depleting the soil of vital nutrients, by modifying genes and other forms of altering. Through our minds via television commercials from working out to the food pyramid. And most of all, the fast food aspect of eating, which not only includes burger and chicken joints, but processed foods of all types including steamer veggies, to dinner in a bag. The assault is on our health first and formost and we should be waging an overthrow of the way we look at food and learning to discern whether what we are eating is beneficial in any way. To learn what it is beneficial for us so that we can make proper choices. This is the primary enemy of African Americans. We are beyond fighting with guns.

Reader Comments (2)
The addiction to this garbage is truly out of hand. People do not realized they are addicted to the mess they are eating and calling it food.