The Rebirth Of Black Radio

Glen Ford of the Black Agenda Report often laments the death of Black radio. Most radio stations today are owned by huge corporations such as CBS/Viacom, Gannett, Clear Channel and Radio One. I know, you say Radio one is a Black owned company, owned and operated by Kathy Hughes. However, in today's climate Mrs. Hughes must play on the same field as the other larger corporations. The field is daunting. Just take note that NBC is owned by General Electric and I have already mentioned Viacom. This leaves little room for Radio One to act all uppity and still maintain a presence on the air. Kathy Hughes must maintain a position not too dissimilar of that of Oprah Winfrey, or even President Obama. Be Black, but don't get too Black.
Just as the Black Blogsphere is holding strong as a voice crying in the wilderness, so too Black internet radio is increasingly filling the void left when Black owned stations were replaced with "urban" radio. "Urban" radio is the equivalent of the minstrels of the past. Black faces and voices airing the agenda of non Black people. Airing an agenda of mediocrity. Much like the infamous and much maligned statement of a mentally deteriorated Rodney King at the beginning of the L.A. Rebellion "can't we all just get along?"
But, there is a re-emergence of true Black radio. Radio that addresses the concerns of Black people on the next evolutionary level of where we MUST go. Radio that concerns issues of Black people and really the population in general. Internet radio is providing the stage for the return of Black radio. Radio similar to that which emerged during the tribulation of the 1950's and 1960's that sought to educate, inspire and uplift. You will not find this on your AM or FM dial (with the exception of WRFG 89.3 Atlanta.) Just as it is with the strength of the growing Black blogsphere, so too is internet radio emerging as a force.
Listening to programs like Know The Ledge Radio hosted by the Twin Pillars, the Blue Pill and The Red Pill. The Moreland twins have been like a breath of spring air. These brothas host one of the most prolific programs on the internet. Not only is Know The Ledge Radio entertaining, lively and very well balanced, it's one of the most informative programs on the internet, with guest such as Dr. Sebi, Dr. Phil Valentine, Annette Thomas, Bro. A.A. Rashid and one of my favorite programs with Minister Enki.
For serious astute intellectual information on finance, politics and history, RDB radio featuring Dr. Torrence Stephens and his co-host Kelso in Panama City, Panama is fantastic and explore the power of world wide radio. Packed with down to Earth knowledge, wisdom, Rawdawg Buffalo Radio is replete with what we need to survive the coming storm. Last, but certainly not least, I must mention Center Stage Radio bringing guest like Dick Gregory, Lindsey Williams and many more. Black radio is re-emerging along with the Black press currently called the Black blogsphere to bring you, lets not say the alternative but, truth to be told as it should be. There are many more I could list, but if you should visit these programs you will find the rest. Let's support the new Black radio and Black press, this is our greatest weapon to combat the ignorance we see and hear daily.
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