African American Athletes and White Women...And their pimps!

Photo courtesy of the Atlanta Journal Constitution
In a previous life I held a job that allowed me the opportunity to work with professional athletes and primarily with NCAA division 1A schools. Schools such as Clemson, University of North Carolina, Georgia Tech, University of Georgia...I think you get the picture. On several occasions I would travel with these teams to games and of course these games are only one slot behind the NFL in television coverage and much greater in terms of hype and excitement, the NFL doesn't compare. On my very first trip I was totally amazed. I expected rowdy activities by the team members, foul language and all the stereotipical behavior seen on the Tel-Lie-Vision. I was wrong. Not once did I experience any negative activities. This isn't to suggest these things don't go on, but I never withnessed them.
What I did notice was astounding to me. Maybe I was naive to this whole thing of major college atheletics. I was fortunate to be on the field of play during many high powered games, but what I saw afterward was what knocked me out. The game was fantastic, University of North Carolina vs. Clemson, I was down on the field during the whole game it was like I was dreaming.
During my teenage years I was a serious sports fan especially college football. Each August my other dad in the neighborhood, you know back in those days we had several dads that raised you. One, of course in my case, was my biological dad that showed me the meaning of hard work, how to take care of the house, bills, yard work, I mean the whole nine, but he was not a sports fanatic just enjoyed sports on a certain level. Another was Mr. Verge, Rev. Verge. He raised chickens and rabbits and would bring us over to help take care of the animals, feed them and lastly how to "sacrafice" them and clean them for dinner. Yes, this was in the city, but as you know laws could be by passed. Now, Mr. Ceasar was a sports FANATIC. He took us boys in the neighborhood and taught us how to fish, how to appreciate a good movie and how to love college football. He was a HUGE fan of college football and influenced me to love college football. So, each August we would go and by as many magazines for the upcoming season as we could get our hands on.
In all my years of studying and enjoyng college football with Mr. Ceasar could not prepare me for what I was about to experience after my first major college footbal contest on my new job. Well, as I said before I was able to be on the field during one of the big matches, UNC vs. Clemson. In fact Julius Pepper was playing that day for UNC. It was early in the season so it was still warm down south, actually hot on the field. Finally the game was over, UNC had secured a victory over Clemson and all the players had showered and we were on our way back to the team bus. To my surprise were all these white men with their white, what looked to be 17-25 year old daughters begging the players to "take a photo" with them. I was amazed, even shocked how these men were practically pimping their daughters to these players. Did I mention we were in the south? Yep, I could see it in their eyes, the dollar signs that is.
This is not an excuse for these men that date and marry white women. But, an observation of what goes on for these young men coming of age themselves and many were not and are not as fortunate as myself to have so many men to steer me in the right direction. But, certainly these white men that pimp their daughters were like no one I ever knew. These men are truly the lowest level humans on the planet. I love my mother, and I love Black women. Unfortunately, all too many of us make it into the lime light and forget the gateway we passed for to enter this world.
Reader Comments (4)
And they rage about black men being that lurking beast, ready to rape every pristine "whiate woeman"
I guess one needs a pimp to be a ho. Yuck.
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