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The God of Pop Music has Returned to the Essence!

"I'm starting with the man in the mirror..."  Michael Jackson.


Nuff said Michael.

Reader Comments (2)

victor....i appreciate the one line....michael was the greatest....but unfortunetely, i need to comment on the media circus surrounding his death

reports are stating the kids might not be his, he was doped up at the time of his death, the will, etc....i cant blame the media as much as i blame michael himself

we all go thru things in life, especially in childhood...most of us overcome or at least accept what happened and move on

not taking care of his responsibilities and the consequences beind that is soley on a recovering person, i know all too well what happens when i dont handle my business

so, the lesson that i'm learing is that i need to make better decisions concerning my life...that i'm in control of my destiny and legacy

so mike, rest in peace....and to the vultures, rest in hell
July 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVincent
Vincent, thanks for coming by. I agree with you and unfortuantely there will be more of a feeding frenzy to come.
July 1, 2009 | Registered Commenter[Victor Amenta]

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