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Still misleading the people










Attorney & Talk show host Warren Ballentine


Talk radio programs have become a part of the American fabric here in the U.S.  Black talk radio listenership is increasing by leaps and bounds due in part to the increase of Black talk radio show hosts.  Yet, we have to be aware of what we are listening to and who is guiding your thoughts. Thats right, these talk radio programs help to guide and influence how you think.   But, you and only you are responsible for your personal education, your personal uplift.  I am not advocating that radio talk program hosts should not be responsible for the content they are putting over the airwaves I'm simply saying you should discern what it truth and what is an untruth.  An untruth is defind by Meriam-Webster as 1archaic : disloyalty 2: lack of truthfulness : falsity or : something that is untrue : falsehood, such as this Attorney Ballentine has just committed on his show today, not more than 5 minutes ago. 

Ballentine, was speaking on history repeating itself and he gave an example of the war in Iraq being similar to the quagmire in Viet Nam during the 1960's and 1970's, which we can draw similarities to each conflict, neither were or are wars declared by the Congress of the United States.  But, what I object to is, using his talk radio program to mis-educate rather than educate.  During this segment about history repeating itself he says that "they IMPEACHED  Nixon, and they tried to impeach Clinton", referring to the 1974 charges filed against former president Richard M. Nixon.  But wait, was Nixon impeached?  Warren Ballentine is an attorney.  Warren Ballentine is a talk radio program host.  As an attorney he should know that defines impeach, impeached, impeachment as n. the charges brought (filed) to impeach a public official. In regard to the President, Vice President and federal judges, the articles are prepared and voted upon by the House of Representatives, and if it votes to charge the official with a crime, the trial is held by the Senate. 

History shows in fact former President Nixon resigned in 1974 to avoid impeachment, to avoid the trial.  And, in fact former President Clinton was impeached in 1999 by the U.S. Senate and he prevailed, won his case.  Ballentine, as a talk radio host and attorney should know the difference in the cases of Nixon and Clinton.   I'm inclined to believe as an attorney he does know exactly what he is talking about, but has become the one that misleads rather than leads his listeners into the light.  I am concerned about what appears to be a little "somthing", because it appears to be a symptom of a larger issue.  We have people with the power of the microphone that misuse and abuse the lack of knowledge of the people.

Reader Comments (3)

he only a fame mongor
July 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrawdawgbuffalo
Hey Victor!!!! Just dropping by to see what you are up to and it looks like you up to "da truth" - well said!
July 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlisha
Hey Alisha, Glad to see you passing by, you are missed!
July 24, 2008 | Registered Commenter[Victor Amenta]

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