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Detectives Gescard F. Isnora, Michael Oliver, and Marc Cooper of the NYPD


These detectives shot a total of 50 rounds killing Sean Bell the early morning before his wedding in Queens New York in November of 2006.  A judge acquitted these beast of all charges this morning in a New York courtroom.  Once again the state has shown its willingness to allow the expansion and protection of the ever growing police state in the United States of America.  Will Sen. Obama miss this opportunity to speak about the state of Blacks in the U.S.?  Maybe for Sen. Obama, and others that want to turn a blind eye to the conditions of Black people here in the U.S, will explain it away by saying this was not a racial incident since two of the detectives are Black.  Never the less, this is another blatant example of murder under the color of the authority of a badgeRacism is not only expressed by the overt placing of nooses by whites on trees or anywhere else, but also by Blacks and anyone would that destroy, demean or assonate the character of people of color then hide under racist laws for protection.

Reader Comments (5)

What was their defense?

My prayers are with Sean Bell's family who are reliving the injustice enacted upon their loved one.
April 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHagar's Daughter
Hi Hagar's Daughter, The judge said the two witnesses, who are also victims were said by the judge presiding over to be NOT CREDIBLE!!! The fact remains he was shot, not crime commited by the three young men and 4 police bullets remain inside Mr. Joe Guzman!
April 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEnsayn
Let me guess (I haven't kept up with this case):

The police officer-defendants chose a bench trial (trial in front of a judge alone) instead of a jury trial. What most lay people don't realize is that, at least in my jurisdiction, most judges are ex-prosecutors.

April 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKhadija
I don't believe the job of a police officer is an easy one, making split second life or death decisions is not something that most of us do on a daily basis.

However, I think it was exceedingly clear that 50 bullets and no return fire doesn't add up. One officer stopped and reloaded - there has to be some repercussion.
April 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterExquisitely Black
@Exquisetly Black & Khadija, thanks for passing through. You are both correct, most judges are former prosecuters. And officers do have a hard job but like you said E, something is truly wrong if you stop and reload and they weren't taking return fire. No gun was ever found in any of the victims possesion.
April 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEnsayn

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