Wednesday, September 26, 2007 at 12:12PM
It has been one year this month that I began my venture into the blogsphere, and I knew nothing about it other than I wanted to do it. I felt I had something to say, or could provide information that would be uplifting for Black people first, and, all others should they want to come over into The World of Ensayn Reality. I was fortunate to start blogging at a time when a group of like minded Black people started the AfroSpear Think Tank, and I am a proud member.
The AfroSpear, I believe, has been influencial in the release of Shaquanda Cotton, prolific in the fight for the release of the Jena Six. Yet, I have concerns. I have concerns about the direction Black bloggers are heading. I read many blogs inside and outside of the AfroSpear and I am seeing a consistent running theme (myself included) of talking too much about the racist attitudes or treatment by individual whites or the institutional racism that exist in this U. S of A. Don’t misunderstand, I think these things should be talked about but, for me, going forward my primary emphasis will be on the uplift of the hearts and minds of Black people worldwide. And to strike at the overt forces of racial evil when it rears its wicked head. And destroy it. I have concerns that there are bloggers or guest commenters that appear to want to express points or ideas that really seem only to serve themselves by writing on a level that only another PHd can understand. Leaving out those that might come onto a blog to learn something, yet may not comprehend the gist of what the writer is attempting to convey. Hell, I have a difficult time trying to understand what’s being said and often I still cannot make sense of it and I think I have a pretty good vocabulary and reading comprehension skillls. WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE K.I.S.S RULE, just Keep It Simple for Stupid me?
Mainstream media is slowly acknowledging the power of blogging as a viable medium and taking note of what we are saying. A guest on the Al Sharpton radio program said straight out that it was the Black bloggers that influenced Black radio to pick up the story of the Jena Six. Many of us may never be recognized by the mainstream but, I know the effect of this medium, blogging, is affecting the mentality of our world. In fact I know it is due to the amount of fire The Field Negro takes from house negroes and white folks that email or "instalanche" his site. I have no doubt the discussions we bring forward are a benefit for Black people worldwide. I have seen our blogs create mental bridges with other Black people from Europe, Africa, The Caribbean right back to the U.S. I have seen the power of the AfroSpear first hand. The Free Slave asked where are the revolutionaries(I paraphrase here)? I say we are here! The revolution begins in the hearts and minds of the people. Black bloggers are affecting the hearts and minds of people. The revolution is not one of guns and bombs but of hearts and minds. This is where we are, and this is where we will join the battle.

Reader Comments (6)
True indeed. I can hardly 'believe' that its only been a year. Seems like you've been here for more than a minute. When you get a chance hit me through email. Got something that I want to verse with you about.
C'BS ALife Allah
Fa sho I will check u on the other side. And thanks for checking me here.
Keep doing what you do, and let's do this Internet revolution thing together.