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The Ensayn Asylum Internet Radio Program

New Republican Party Seal

The Ensayn Asylum radio program is moving to Saturday afternoon 12:00pm-2:00pm (Eastern Daylight Time) Only on WWW.DR-LOVE.COM

You will get the best in Reggae, Soca, R&B, Hip Hip, World Beat and of course the top news and information of the day.  We will discuss Black conservatives, Black Republicans, Black history, Politics, Religion, and world events and anything that comes up.  Connect with me WWW.DR-LOVE.COM

This Saturday 9/15/07 we will discuss the Jena Six and why Black Conservatives want to bring up dirt on the airwaves and the internet while cases are in court and much much more.  Remember we are located on the oldEST Black owned internet station in Georgia, USA WWW.DR-LOVE.COM  Be sure to check our playlist

Please send your emails during the show to ENSAYN1@YAHOO.COM


Because its all En what  you are Sayn!

Bring it!!

Reader Comments (2)

this looks good!
September 14, 2007 | Unregistered Commenteraulelia
I hope you will tune in on Saturdays. We had some technical difficulties so if you emailed in I apologize for not responding. I hope we will have all the bugs worked out for the next week.
September 17, 2007 | Unregistered Commentervictor amenta

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