I originally posted this a couple days after my nephew and his best friend were gunned down by other young Black men. Since that time, we have lost many more young Black men, women and children in the U.S.and around the world. A few names here; Amadou Cisse, University student-Chicago, Kyle Moore High school student-Atlanta, Nakita Wilson high school student-Atlanta, Luis Navarro high school student-Philadelphia, Kadijah Waldron middle school student-Westmoreland, Jamaica, Stephen Lyons university student-Chicago. Karl Wilson-Memphis. One child is killed every 90 minutes in the U.S. That’s 32 every 48 hours!
For my family and all the families of the world suffering today due to senseless killings.
Brandon Hammond and Marcelles McElvaine gunned down 12/06/06
Why can’t you just stop? My people in Southern California, my people world wide, we are killing ourselves, we are doing their job for them. There is no longer a need for white men in hoods and torches to come and drag you from your home to lynch you. You are lynching yourselves. This week the lives of three young men were taken from them senselessly. But, not only did you kill them you killed their mothers, you killed their grandparents, you killed their fathers, you killed their siblings, you killed their children, you killed their aunts and uncles, and the rest of their family and friends, yet when you committed this murder you killed a part of you. So, on the day of the funeral, when we have to wipe tears, when we have to comfort the mothers, when we have to bury our dead, that day we will bury a part of ourselves and a part of you, we will bury with our dead. It’s a wicked cycle that you perpetuate! You are the ignorant and downpressed donkey being ridden by the system of police agencies, spurred on by the prison industrial complex that you choose to ignore. You are being exploited by the particular police agencies in your community. The police are not interested in eradicating gangs, gang violence or drugs. They feed off of it. They need it for their own existence. You are their meal ticket, for without you claiming a set, selling drugs or killing yourselves they would soon lose their miniscule livelihood. As you are the downpressed donkey, these police agents are the tax burdened, debt holding, mules of the system. Without the killing and rampaging your donkey mind leads you to do, these tax mules would soon be out of a job. From your donkey mind comes the babble that you hate the police, "*uck the police" yet you work tirelessly to keep them employed with their foot on your neck. For my mothers: I know each day you cry for your young men and women. Though you smile, laugh, and force yourself to work everyday I know you cry inside. Every minute, I know you send a prayer out to keep us safe even when you know we are not doing the best we can in life. I wish our people could feel your pain, I wish our young men would stop creating a killing field of young black bodies, and learn how to kill the system that’s killing them. On the day that we bury our dead a piece of me will be buried that day as one of the three young men that died this week was my nephew!!
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